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2 <br /> • The Jail Inmate Fund is a fiduciary fund and all remaining funds at year-end should <br /> be transferred out of the Fund to either a special revenue fund or to the General Fund, <br /> and reported as revenues of the County and used to track expenditures for equipment <br /> needs or providing indigent services to the inmates. These funds will be designated <br /> as Committed Fund Balance in the General Fund for use in FY 2022-23. This budget <br /> amendment provides for the transfer of funds totaling $215, and any residual <br /> balances, from the Jail Inmate Fund to the General Fund. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is <br /> applicable to this item: <br /> • GOAL: CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents, childhood and senior injuries, <br /> gang activity, substance abuse and domestic violence. <br /> Miscellaneous <br /> 3. As in prior years, this year-end amendment transfers approved amounts from the salary <br /> and benefits reserve line items (such as for attrition ($3,000,000), wage increase <br /> ($1,883,775), and 401k funding ($650,000) in the Non-Departmental budget to individual <br /> departmental appropriations in order to properly fund salary and benefit amounts within <br /> departments. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There are no Orange County Social Justice Goals associated <br /> with this item. <br /> Department on Aging <br /> 4. The Department on Aging received an additional allocation from the Home and Community <br /> Care Block Grant (HCCBG) of $82,674 through Triangle J Council of Governments. <br /> $43,674 is for use in the Senior Lunch Program to meet additional needs for food and <br /> supplies. The remaining $39,000 will be used to update the Seymour Center theatre to <br /> support virtual programming for senior center activities. The department anticipates fully <br /> expending these funds by the expiration date of June 30, 2022. <br /> 5. The Department on Aging has received additional revenue for the Operation Fan Heat <br /> Relief Program from Dominion Resources, Duke Energy Carolinas, and Duke Energy <br /> Progress through the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), totaling $2,150, to purchase fans for <br /> Orange County adults 60 years old and over. This budget amendment provides for the <br /> receipt of these donated funds in the following Department on Aging Grant Project <br /> Ordinance, outside of the General Fund: <br />