Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 1 school teacher, but she is looking at a job as a curriculum writer that will pay $20,000 more as a <br /> 2 starting salary than what she makes now with her masters and it has paid maternity leave. She <br /> 3 said teachers are leaving so they can afford to live and have families. She said teachers are <br /> 4 leaving due to being disrespected, injured, and insulted, and for their own safety and sanity. <br /> 5 She said teachers are leaving quicker than they can be replaced and children will suffer. She <br /> 6 said a fully funded budget is an attempt to gain back respect and make it possible for teachers <br /> 7 to live and continue to work in their chosen profession. <br /> 8 Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board, read the following comment emailed to the Board of <br /> 9 Commissioners from Erskine Alvis at 3:38 PM: <br /> 10 "Thank you for the privilege to address you tonight via letter. I write you today as I am ill, <br /> 11 and I cannot attend the Board of County Commissioners meeting tonight to hear comments for <br /> 12 and against the budget for the County's upcoming fiscal year. If I was there, then I would <br /> 13 certainly offer my comments below in person. <br /> 14 1 write you in the most vigorous language possible. I ask you to approve the budget for <br /> 15 the Chapel Hill Carrboro City School system and the Orange County Schools. I ask you to do <br /> 16 this without further delay and to do this without further delay. These two districts represent the <br /> 17 best in elementary, secondary, and community education in North Carolina. In many ways, they <br /> 18 serve as a model of education and educational leadership for so many in other parts of our <br /> 19 country. We need this clarity now more than ever as we are a people more divided than we <br /> 20 have been in 150 years since the horrors of the American Civil War. <br /> 21 In Orange County, North Carolina, we are a beacon of hope. We are all so fortunate to <br /> 22 live here. <br /> 23 1 am a retired 22-year U.S. Navy Chaplain. I deployed from Japan to Afghanistan. 1 <br /> 24 deployed to war. I have seen the Hell of what human beings can create for each other. I have <br /> 25 seen the horror of inhumanity. And yet, it was my privilege to be in military service to our <br /> 26 country. It was my honor. <br /> 27 For the past 3 months, I have had the privilege to serve as a long-term substitute <br /> 28 teacher for the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools. It is a PRIVILEGE to serve. It is my honor. <br /> 29 Like my military service, I have already experienced the joys and the sorrows of <br /> 30 humanity. In my role, I have seen the hope, the clarity, and the care mixed with and incredible <br /> 31 mix of competence and commitment by our educators — be they in the classroom or elsewhere <br /> 32 — as they work so hard to do so much for so many. I include ALL staff members in the term <br /> 33 educators. This includes EVERYONE who works for the school system and in the school <br /> 34 buildings proper and within the system. They not only serve our students by their high degree <br /> 35 of professionalism, but they also serve our students' families, they serve our community, and <br /> 36 most importantly, they serve what kind of future our country needs and will have long after all of <br /> 37 us are gone from where we are now. <br /> 38 To quote the late U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Chuck Yeager from about the time <br /> 39 that he broke the sound barrier in 1947, "No bucks. No Buck Rogers." This budget represents <br /> 40 the clarity of such thinking. <br /> 41 1 offer the following examples of why you need to approve this budget as presented in its <br /> 42 entirety. <br /> 43 First, there was the young student from a foreign land who is an immigrant. She <br /> 44 struggles with English. When I covered the class for her teacher one day, she asked me if she <br /> 45 had completed the work properly. Via email, I checked with her teacher. He contacted me. She <br /> 46 has done it beautifully. When I shared his affirmation of her with her, she beamed in an ear-to- <br /> 47 ear smile. She works so hard. She just wants to be part of the American Dream. <br /> 48 Second, there was the young student that queried me about military service when he <br /> 49 learned of mine. He wanted to know what it was like. He wanted to know if I was ever scared. <br /> 50 1 told him, "Of course I was scared. We all were. The main thing is if you are honest with <br />