Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> the Board of County Commissioners in the current year budget. This section does not <br /> apply to projects in which the Board must approve and award a bid. <br /> d. Contracts executed by the Manager shall be pre-audited by the Chief Financial Officer <br /> and reviewed by the County Attorney to ensure compliance in form and sufficiency with <br /> North Carolina law. <br /> e. The Manager may sign intergovernmental service agreements in amounts under <br /> $90,000. <br /> f. The Manager may sign intergovernmental grant agreements regardless of amount as <br /> long as no expenditure of County matching funds, not previously budgeted and <br /> approved by the Board, is required. Subsequent budget amendments will be brought to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners for revenue generating grant agreements not <br /> requiring County matching funds as required for reporting and auditing purposes. <br /> g. Upon the Manager's determination that certain property is surplus the Manager may <br /> dispose of County personal property consisting of one item or a group of similar items <br /> having a value of less than $30,000. In disposing of the property the Manager may <br /> utilize any lawful method of disposal including and not limited to private or public sale, <br /> exchange, auction, etc. The Manager shall seek fair market value for the property. <br /> Consideration may consist of items and things other than currency. The Manager shall <br /> keep a record of all property sold under this section and that record shall generally <br /> describe the property sold or exchanged, to whom it was sold, or with whom exchanged, <br /> and the amount of money or other consideration received for each sale or exchange. <br /> h. The Manager is authorized to approve and execute leases of County property for a <br /> term not exceeding one year. Such leases of County property may not be extended <br /> beyond one year except by action of the Board of Commissioners. <br /> Section XVI. Micro-purchase Threshold <br /> a. In accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.320(a)(1)(iv) and the applicable provisions of North <br /> Carolina law, the County hereby self-certifies the following micro-purchase thresholds, <br /> each of which is a "higher threshold consistent with State law" under 2 C.F.R. § <br /> 200.320(a)(1)(iv)(C) for the reasons set forth in the recitals to this resolution: <br /> 1. $30,000, for the purchase of"apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment"; <br /> and <br /> 2. $30,000, for the purchase of"construction or repair work"; and <br /> 3. $50,000, for the purchase of services not subject to competitive bidding under <br /> North Carolina law; and <br /> 4. $50,000, for the purchase of services subject to the qualifications-based <br /> selection process in the Mini-Brooks Act; provided that such threshold shall apply <br /> to a contract only if the County has exercised an exemption to the Mini-Brooks Act, <br /> in writing, for a particular project pursuant to G.S. 143-64.32. If the exemption is <br /> not authorized, the micro-purchase threshold shall be $0. <br /> b. The self-certification made herein shall be effective as of the date hereof and shall be <br /> applicable until June 30, 2023, but shall not be applicable to Federal financial assistance <br /> awards issued prior to November 12, 2020, including financial assistance awards issued <br /> prior to that date under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Support (CARES) Act <br /> of 2020 (Pub. L. 116-136). <br /> 12 <br />