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4 <br /> courvrr <br /> a=oL�n <br /> Uhrary <br /> Strategic Plan <br /> 2022-2027 <br /> 3. Address literacy gaps in underserved communities. <br /> a. Develop a plan to offer library services at the Efland-Cheeks and Cedar Grove community centers. <br /> b. Build on our relationship with the Orange County Department on Aging to reach the county's <br /> homebound aging population. <br /> c. Expand our relationship with Orange County's Public Transportation, Housing and Community <br /> Development, and Criminal Justice Departments to identify gaps in access to library facilities and <br /> resources. <br /> d. Coordinate with other county departments to offer library services at their location and/or <br /> events. <br /> e. Increase use of our Storytime-to-Go bags. <br /> f. Implement"Baby's First Library Card" program. <br /> Invest in Our Staff <br /> Create a culture of mutual support and growth necessary for success. <br /> 1. Increase staff connections across divisions. <br /> a. Develop a set of shared library values based on national standards and integrate those values into <br /> our work. <br /> b. Audit and refine staff communications to increase the relevance,timeliness, and accessibility of <br /> communication to and among staff. <br /> c. Update the staff lounge at Main to provide a cozier atmosphere. <br /> d. Create a staff engagement team to foster a fun, inclusive, and welcoming environment for library <br /> staff at both locations. <br /> 2. Provide staff training to enhance confidence and customer service skills when interacting with diverse <br /> populations. <br /> a. Evaluate and update the orientation process and include re-orientation activities for library staff. <br /> b. Invite professionals from the Orange County Skills Center to educate staff at both locations on <br /> services available to community members. <br /> c. Provide Reader's Advisory training that emphasizes DEI authors and titles so that staff can <br /> promote diverse titles in the collection to library patrons. <br /> d. Provide professional development for staff around outreach best practices. <br /> 3. Ensure library staff and volunteers reflect the diversity of the Orange County community. <br /> a. Remain committed to non-biased hiring and application processes for employees and volunteers. <br /> b. Find ways to celebrate, highlight, and encourage diversity in current staff and volunteers. <br /> c. Work with area universities and colleges to develop an internship program with focus on <br /> candidates who have strong knowledge of the field through a DEI lens. <br /> d. Work with community partners to recruit volunteers from Latinx, Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ <br /> communities. <br /> 2 <br />