Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269, public property may be sold through <br /> a negotiated offer, advertisement, and upset bid process (Attachment 2). A resolution authorizing <br /> the sale of the property through this upset bid process is also included (Attachment 3). <br /> Should the Board approve the sale of this property in this manner, a notice of sale will immediately <br /> be placed in a local paper and on the County's Purchasing web page. The notice shall contain a <br /> general description of the property, the amount and terms of the offer, and a notice that within ten <br /> days any person may raise the bid by not less than ten percent (10%) of the first one thousand <br /> dollars, and five percent (5%) of the remainder. When a bid is raised, the bidder shall deposit <br /> with the County five percent (5%) of the increased bid, and the County shall re-advertise the offer <br /> at the increased bid amount for an additional ten days. This procedure shall be repeated until no <br /> further qualifying upset bids are received. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The property is currently undeveloped, has no development potential, is <br /> landlocked without access, and as a landlocked undevelopable property has limited to no value. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There are no Orange County Social Justice Goal impacts <br /> associated with this item. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There are no Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impacts associated with this item. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1) Approve the sale of the 0.12 acre parcel of property having PIN# 9779088613 located in <br /> Chapel Hill, NC through a negotiated offer, advertisement and upset bid process, in <br /> accordance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; <br /> 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution authorizing the sale through this <br /> process; and <br /> 3) Authorize the County Manager to conduct the sale, accept the highest bid, and execute all <br /> necessary documents to complete the sale. <br />