Orange County NC Website
46 <br /> It is mentioned that Student Community Support Liaison has served in the past, Lateef Mitchell. <br /> The members speak of moving Charlos Banks back under"School Superintendent or designee" due to <br /> Sherita Cobb departure as she was moved to other designation as it is only allowable to have one person <br /> per listing. <br /> Gayne Chambless mentioned she would like to have both school systems listed under JCPC, suggests the <br /> team reach out to them. Sharon Hinton agrees. <br /> Lateef Mitchell mentions he would be happy to fill the"Interest for at Risk Youth"position. <br /> Continuum of Services Review—Rebekah Rapoza presents Continuum of Services. <br /> It is mentioned that RSN is not listed. Program will be added under"Structured Activities"with arrow <br /> indicating Youth at Greatest Risk through Post Release. <br /> Q: Does Josh's Hope-Tools for Hope work not just with All Youth but through Pre Adjudicated? <br /> They are specific to youth with mental health or substance use. <br /> A: Sharon Hinton advises we will reach out to them and confirm the scope of their services. <br /> Q: Do we have Communities in Schools in Orange County or Chapel Hill, they are on the list? <br /> A: Communities in Schools is different in Orange County from what Communities in Schools is <br /> nationally or statewide. <br /> Q: Do they still do afterschool programing at the Middle Schools? <br /> A: Yes <br /> Kayla-AMI Kids, mentions for the clinical treatment where they are listed,they can serve PRS youth also <br /> and Pre-adjudicated youth with state approval. <br /> Q: Under"Clinical Services" there is mental health services listed but is substance abuse services <br /> anywhere on the list? Suggests adding"SU" to the "MH" listed to cover both services.Also <br /> suggestion to add "MH" to the "Substance Abuse" listed under"Assessments" as well. <br /> Q: The organization "Grow Your World", do they focus on all youth? <br /> A: They do tutoring and social recreational. They actually do tutoring after 6, so this can be 2 categories. <br /> Westcare Residential for girls can be removed and Eckerd Residential is not just for males. Eckerd took <br /> over Westcare. <br /> Boomerang is not anywhere on the list. They do structured activities and after school activities. <br /> Program Updates <br /> Dispute Settlement Center—Val Hanson, worked with 9 youth so far, all males. Ranging from threats of <br /> mass violence on school property, 2 larceny charges, 3 assaults, and communicating threats. <br /> Acknowledges "threats of mass violence" is very scary, all three were very young, early middle school, <br /> 12-13 year olds, and every case was a matter of saying something incredibly impulsive followed with <br /> extreme regret. <br />