Agenda - 06-21-2022; 8-i - JCPC Certification and County Plan for FY 2022-2023
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Agenda - 06-21-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-21-2022; 8-i - JCPC Certification and County Plan for FY 2022-2023
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6/16/2022 2:37:25 PM
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6/16/2022 1:52:30 PM
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Agenda for June 21, 2022 BOCC Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2022\Agenda - 06-21-2022 Business Meeting
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30 <br /> Comment was made about giving programs one final opportunity to think outside the box, like Wrenn <br /> House with the flooring, and possibly come up with something that they wouldn't have normally thought <br /> about requesting funds for. <br /> Carol McClelland made a motion that we send out one final notice to currently funded programs that we <br /> have $25,047 available in unallocated funds and the deadline to apply is November 19 and was seconded <br /> by Sharron Hinton. <br /> Q: Is there anything the funds cannot be spent on? <br /> A: A new program. <br /> Q: Can the funds be used to purchase a van, for Volunteers for Youth for example? <br /> A: Yes. Susan had some questions and Toshina thought she was going to move forward with the request. <br /> However, after conversations with their board,they didn't move forward with the request. <br /> Q: Do you know if the issue was with the cash match? <br /> A: Toshina is unsure. <br /> Q: Is there a list of all our organizations that can request the funds? <br /> A: Rebekah will email a list to Crista. <br /> Q: Could the funds be used to pay for a part-time position? <br /> A: Concern for sustainability after June 30 was raised. Possibly if it was a contract position. <br /> Q: Would the JCPC want to contract with someone to do something like an efficacy study or <br /> research into what are some of the challenges facing youth and programs? <br /> A: The Admin budget is already at the max funding level and so we couldn't use any of the unallocated <br /> funds. However, we can do a budget revision and reallocate funds to contract services if the JCPC decides <br /> they'd like to move forward with funding something like this. <br /> Q: Is this something that a currently funded program could take on in their budget if they'd be <br /> willing versus the Admin budget? <br /> A: It shouldn't be an issue if there is an agency who is willing to take this on. <br /> Motion passed unanimously. <br />
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