Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> Ethnic Disparities (RED), Toshina can provide us with more information. The Department also has RED <br /> Coordinator that can provide us with statewide and Orange County data if interested. <br /> Q: Does the RED Committee take the place of the DMC Committee? <br /> A: Yes. It was originally DMC and has been changed to RED. <br /> Donna King commented that we did have DMC group in the past that was having some conversations but <br /> not sure what the status is currently. <br /> Crista Collazo made a motion to establish a Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Committee and was <br /> seconded by Donna King. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Consultant Update <br /> Recently the Department management team has provided talking points document to Consultants so that <br /> the information that is being shared with JCPCs is consistent. <br /> Senate Bill 207 was signed by the Governor on August 30. This bill raised the minimum of six to age 10 <br /> with some exceptions for eight and nine year olds who commit violent offenses (A-G felonies). This will <br /> take effect December 1, 2021. Six and seven year olds will not be eligible for court at all and eight and <br /> nine year olds who have an A-G felony and/or prior adjudication can go to court. The bill has also created <br /> a new category of vulnerable juveniles for the younger population. This will allow court counselors to <br /> conduct consultations and refer to community programs for intervention. Community programs will be <br /> able to continue to serve this population. <br /> House Bill 615 requires all juveniles with suspected mental health issues to have comprehensive clinical <br /> assessment within 45 days of disposition. Severe emotional disturbance would also warrant the <br /> establishment of a care review team. The Department will be providing additional information on what <br /> this will look like in order to establish continuity across the state with service delivery. <br /> House Bill 621 raises the age of school dropout from 16 to 18 and juvenile justice will pick up these cases <br /> and it remains on track to be passed by the Senate. Juvenile Justice has requested additional resources to <br /> work with this population. <br /> There is a Teen Court pilot being operated in Brunswick,Bladen, and Columbus counties where 16 and <br /> 17 year olds who commit minor traffic offenses are being served through a modified Teen Court model <br /> instead of being sent to adult court. Please let Toshina know if this is something Orange County is <br /> interested in and she can provide additional information. <br /> DPS 2020 Annual Report has been published on their website if anyone would like to review it. <br /> NCJSA Fall Conference will be held at Carolina Beach October 13-15. <br /> Final Accounting has been completed for Orange County with the exception of Boomerang program that <br /> remains under review. The plan is to have it completed by next week. The only refund is for JCPC Admin <br /> and the amount was $10,455.70. <br /> Due to YASI implementation, sponsoring agencies are required to complete the full assessment at youth <br /> intake. <br />