Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> Admin Equipment Update—A shredder that was purchased with JCPC admin funds about 6-7 years ago <br /> has broken down and was disposed of by the county. A laptop that was also purchased with admin funds <br /> at the same time had stopped functioning properly and was taken by County IT to be replaced with a <br /> County purchased laptop. <br /> Q: Do either need to be replaced? If so, is this something we can use Admin funds for? <br /> A: Neither needs to be replaced. <br /> Denise had asked that this item be added to the agenda for today so that the disposal of the equipment is <br /> reflected in the minutes. When she was reviewing Final Accounting for Admin budget, she noticed that <br /> these items were marked as being disposed of. The JCPC was out of compliance with how the equipment <br /> was disposed of because policy wasn't followed. There is a Disposal and Transfer of Equipment Policy <br /> that needs to be followed and it wasn't. <br /> Program Updates <br /> Dispute Settlement Center—Last year we had hoped to serve about 30 and ended up serving about half. <br /> Lia was incredibly creative last year with serving youth and they met all their measureable objectives. <br /> Given all the challenges last year it was incredibly successful so they are happy with that. So far this year, <br /> they have served one JJ youth and had 10 direct referrals from Orange County Schools in just the last <br /> month. The 10 referrals from OCS is a lot and isn't funded by JCPC, but thought it was interesting to <br /> note. <br /> Lia is no longer working with Dispute Settlement Center. She has been a huge asset for the last three year <br /> but has accepted a position working in equity with LTNC, which has been something she's passionate <br /> about. DSC has hired Lia's replacement, Joy Clark, and she will be starting November 1. Joy has been a <br /> high school teacher for 15 years and is finishing her law degree. She has also been a restorative justice <br /> volunteer for the last two years and they feel like they've found an amazing fit in her. <br /> Exchange Club—Last year they expected to serve 18 but only served 16 and think that was pretty good <br /> based on previous history. They think things went really well last year and are going to try to keep <br /> building upon that success and have taken a suggestion from Gayane to rebrand themselves as the toolbox <br /> for parents who are dealing with teenagers. <br /> Volunteers for Youth—Community Service/Restitution program served quite a bit lower than what was <br /> estimated. They did exceed all their objectives and wonder if there's a case to be made about the smaller <br /> the program,they better you can serve the kids. The numbers still haven't picked up as they hoped, but <br /> school has only been in session for a couple months. Teen Court's numbers were also quite low last year <br /> but they did also exceed their objectives. They are back to meeting in the courthouse and are happy about <br /> that. <br /> Wrenn House—They were estimated to serve 10 last year and actually served 7. They met all their <br /> objectives and just like everyone else it was a hard year. This year, so far, they have served 2 from Orange <br /> County. Over the last 2 weeks they were on quarantine as a youth tested positive for Covid. That was a <br /> first for them so it was a new experience,but they were expecting it to happen at point. They worked <br /> through it; but it wasn't easy. They are now able to accept new referrals. They have implemented new <br /> Covid testing policies for both visitors and youth in order to help keep everyone safe and healthy. <br />