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23 <br /> A: Yes. You can send out another offer. You will need to vote if offering another opportunity to apply for <br /> unallocated funds. If do send out another request and will be voting in early December,just know that it's <br /> a tight turnaround, but doable to get revision completed and all signatures before December 31. <br /> Donna King made a motion to accept the Exchange Club's Parent Teen Solutions request for$840 (for <br /> technology/computer needs) and was seconded by Amanda Farris. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Gayane Chambless made a motion to accept Haven House's Wrenn House request for$1,781 (for <br /> technology/computer needs and purchase/installation of interior door) and was seconded by Amy Fowler. <br /> Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Amanda Farris made a motion to accept Volunteer for Youth's Restitution/Community Service request <br /> for$6,075 (for raise in restitution payment,portion of annual audit cost, and technology/computer needs) <br /> and was seconded by Amy Fowler. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Gayane Chambless made a motion to allow currently funded JCPC programs to submit new requests for <br /> additional program funding, including training and professional development, and was seconded by <br /> Donna King. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Toshina and Denise will send out an email to providers letting them know they can submit additional <br /> requests. Denise proposed Sharron calling a special meeting of the JCPC on November 5 at 9:30am to <br /> vote on the requests and was agreed upon by Council members in attendance. When a special meeting is <br /> called,the quorum is automatically met with whichever Council members attend. The Funding <br /> Committee would receive documents prior to the special meeting to review and make a recommendation. <br /> Programs approved for additional funding today should start working on their program agreement/budget <br /> revisions and get those submitted ASAP. <br /> Risk and Needs Committee—Typically this committee has meet in January and it has been proposed to <br /> move the meeting to the fall. This would give the Council more time to review things and not be so <br /> rushed in the spring to meet deadlines. We are hopeful that if we back it up a little it will give us some <br /> more flexibility. There were some dates proposed on the agenda,but we just need a motion and vote to <br /> move the committee date to the fall and can decide on a date at a later time. <br /> Carol McClelland made a motion to move the Risk and Needs Committee meeting from January to the <br /> fall and was seconded by Bernard Miles. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> Membership Update—We have a couple vacancies that we need to fill: Member of Faith Community, <br /> Youth under Age 18, and Parks and Recreation. If anyone has any suggested individuals,please contact <br /> them to see if they are interested and we can then follow-up with them. All members are approved by the <br /> County Commissioners so as soon as we get individuals identified and committed we can present to the <br /> BOCC for approval. <br /> Q: Can Parks & Recreation representative be from a municipality or do they have to be County? <br /> A: Either. <br /> The youth rep age has changed to 21. So it can be two youth under age 21, or one youth under age 21 and <br /> an adult who works with youth(school counselor, guardian ad litem, youth group leader, etc.). Counties <br /> aren't penalized if they don't have all their reps because some positions are hard to fill. <br />