Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> JJ Data Report <br /> Jon Berkeley has been hired as the new court counselor supervisor; he was unable to attend today's <br /> meeting but will be joining future meetings. <br /> They are currently transitioning from one reporting system to another and do not have access to either at <br /> the moment so there is no monthly data to report. However, at the last meeting a council member had <br /> asked about some Raise the Age data and she was able to pull that. From December 1, 2020 to April 30, <br /> 2021,they saw many minor offenses, including: simple assault, simple possession of a controlled <br /> substance, resisting an officer, and injury to property. However, they have had some more serious <br /> offenses, including robbery with a dangerous weapon and first degree burglary. The minor offenses are <br /> staying within juvenile court; however,the more serious ones are going through the transfer process. <br /> These offenses are not necessarily being committed by Orange County youth, but could be youth who are <br /> coming to, or traveling through, the county. <br /> Q: As we are talking about Raise the Age, if a youth is moved to Superior Court because of the <br /> offense, how can they come back down to juvenile court? Is that even a possibility? Is there any way <br /> the JCPC can help advocate to have more cases kept in juvenile court? <br /> A: If the District Attorney sends an indictment up to adult court, it is not possible for a judge to overrule <br /> it. In order for it to be sent back to juvenile court, the DA would have to agree for the transfer. The JCPC <br /> can help advocate by speaking with the DA. While A-G felonies require a mandatory transfer, the case <br /> can be remanded back down if initiated by the DA. <br /> Minutes Review and Approval <br /> Quorum was not met; June 2021minutes approval will be tabled until October meeting. <br /> JCPC Business ' <br /> JCPC Work Plan Calendar—This is the calendar of activities that the JCPC needs to complete each fiscal <br /> year. It provides an overview of the work of the JCPC that needs to take place in order to meet our goals <br /> as the end of the year, including the risk and needs assessment,program evaluations/monitoring,request <br /> for proposals, and funding recommendations. This calendar will serve as our template for our work for the <br /> fiscal year. This document is provided by the Department for JCPCs to be able to see all of the required <br /> legislative mandates. If you see an activity in a particular month that we don't do in that month,just know <br /> that it is a fluid calendar and the months may not match exactly. <br /> Conflict of Interest Form—Every voting council member must sign this form every year certifying that <br /> they have no interest in the programs or agencies that receive funding. In the event that someone has <br /> checked"yes", that there is a conflict, there needs to be a short explanation of how the JCPC will handle <br /> the conflict(could be a simple as the member abstaining from funding votes). Technically, members <br /> should not be voting until the form has been completed and submitted. Please get those signed and <br /> returned to Rebekah as soon as possible. <br /> Committee Sign-Up—We have Monitoring, Risk&Needs, and Funding committees. Wherever your level <br /> of interest falls, please feel free to sign up for one or more committees that you'd like to participate in. <br /> They all do important work that is integral to the larger work of the board and we need everyone's <br /> participation. <br /> Risk and Needs Committee date change—Typically the work of the Risk and Needs Committee has <br /> happened in January but it is proposed to move that committee to earlier in the fiscal year, around <br /> October. The work of this committee typically is the starting point for the rest of the work—request for <br />