Agenda - 06-21-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 06-21-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-21-2022; 8-a - Minutes
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6/16/2022 2:51:06 PM
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6/16/2022 1:49:19 PM
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Agenda for June 21, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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16 <br /> 1 Julie Werry thanked the Commissioners for their leadership. She asked the Board to <br /> 2 fully fund the budget requests for both school districts. She said she has two children attending <br /> 3 CHCCS, is a homeowner, and is also the PTA co-president at Rashkis Elementary School. She <br /> 4 said she and her husband chose to move their family to Chapel Hill in 2020 because of the <br /> 5 public school system. She said the number of people who have made the same decision is <br /> 6 amazing. She said with the growth happening across the state, especially in the RTP area, and <br /> 7 the ability of people to choose where they live given that remote work is here to stay, Orange <br /> 8 County continues to attract new residents due to the school systems' record for excellence. She <br /> 9 said the record is now being taken for granted, and over the past 10 months as PTA co- <br /> 10 president, she has seen the struggles going on in schools. She said Rashkis has operated short <br /> 11 staffed all year long and they are not alone given the record number of vacancies across the <br /> 12 district. She said jobs have remained unfilled due to budget constraints and the heroes left in <br /> 13 the building are asked to do the impossible. She said a secretary position at Rashkis was <br /> 14 posted for $12 an hour, which is less even than the going rate for a babysitter in her <br /> 15 neighborhood. She positions will not be filled at this pay scale, which means people in other <br /> 16 positions will have to pick up the duties. She said she recognizes the Commissioners have a <br /> 17 difficult job and many projects are worthy of funding without enough money to go around. She <br /> 18 thanked the Commissioners for the recommended per pupil increase they will likely support but <br /> 19 said that it is not enough. She said there are a record number of vacancies in the district and <br /> 20 said it is impossible to have excellent schools without the teachers and staff to run them. She <br /> 21 said schools are the bedrock of Orange County and attract an inflow of residents which <br /> 22 improves the tax base. She said schools are the greatest tool to leverage when thinking about <br /> 23 equity in our community. She said the county is not spending what it takes to maintain <br /> 24 excellence. <br /> 25 Cassie Ford thanked the Commissioners for their work in making Orange County a place <br /> 26 so many choose to live and build their families. She said she is the wife of a small business <br /> 27 owner, parent of two children, and PTA council president and strongly recommends the Board <br /> 28 fully fund the CHCCS and OCS budget requests including the expansion budget. She said after <br /> 29 graduating from UNC Chapel Hill, she chose to keep her family in Carrboro due to the <br /> 30 reputation of the public schools. She said this reputation cannot be taken for granted. She said <br /> 31 she was surprised to learn that Orange County allocates a much lower percentage of the annual <br /> 32 budget to education than surrounding counties. She said with the boom in remote work, people <br /> 33 have more choice about where they will live and work. She said if CHCCS and OCS continue to <br /> 34 suffer teacher losses and long stretches with open vacancies, the county will not be able to <br /> 35 continue attracting families and businesses due to its schools' reputations. She said she <br /> 36 recently learned that from the SLP and school psychologist at a CHCCS that they are not able <br /> 37 to fill many positions despite receiving approval to recruit for them. She said the district salaries <br /> 38 are well under the market rate compared to neighboring districts and nationally. She said she <br /> 39 appreciates that the recommended budget includes an increase per student, but it doesn't <br /> 40 address current need of schools. She said the state has mandated, but not funded, reduced <br /> 41 classroom sizes and teacher raises, and the continuation budget simply keeps up with these. <br /> 42 She said without the expansion budget being funded, schools will continue to pay below market <br /> 43 rates, have positions unfilled, understaffed classrooms, and underserved students. She asked <br /> 44 the Board to allocate some of the revenue growth Travis Myren spoke about to fully fund the <br /> 45 CHCCS and OCS budgets including both continuation and expansion budget requests. <br /> 46 Caroline Wang said she is an 8th grader at Smith Middle School and has been part of the <br /> 47 CHCCS community since kindergarten. She said she and her peers remember and have been <br /> 48 impacted by every teacher they have learned from. She asked the Board to fully fund the <br /> 49 CHCCS budget. She said teachers impact the education of hundreds and even thousands of <br /> 50 students, are incredibly important to the community, and encourage students. She said CHCCS <br /> 51 are below market rate locally and nationally. She said she has seen many teachers work hard <br />
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