Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> STRATEGIC PLAN A2 <br /> Goal 1:Teaching Tom orrow's Leaders <br /> Through a multi-tiered system of support(MTSS), all I earners wiII excel by having access to and benefiting from a <br /> rigorous curriculum and instruction that is research and evidence based to prepare them for college, career,and <br /> civic engagement. <br /> • EquityE mphasis:ddendfyondaddressinegJdes�ncurricejivmandinstrucdon,MofdefMclosed7eacMeverr <br /> a cress an d opportuni ty g aps. <br /> Goal 2: Excellence &Efficiency <br /> Th e district will provide exemplary operational support toschools, staff, and the comrnunitytoen sure a focus on <br /> student learning. <br /> • EquityEmphasis:Enstue egjWbledistfibodon afhLman,frscvl,and CVO Mi fe5ourresaCross Orange Coonty <br /> Scha als. <br /> Goal 3: Exemplary Staff <br /> Recruit,hire, support, and retain culturally proficient and high-quality staff committed to providing all students <br /> with an excellent education in awelcoming environment. <br /> • EgLrityEmphasis:Hfe and reMM sw1fthatreflec�3 d7e diWrsity of the district,n-Nffors the demograpMcs01t <br /> OCS studen t POP u+adon and who are Committed W becoming cukLvv#Y praficient <br /> Goal 4: Empowering Culture <br /> Cultivate supportive partnersh ips among families, schools, and community stak eh o I ders to support stu den ts+well <br /> being an d en sure all students have wh at they need to be successful. <br /> • EgLrityEmphasis:Ventifyandremovebarf7ers andengage in Culturallyresponsive practices tr7atstrengthen <br /> Connections and aommLVicoLion Md7 families,studen n,and the Community. <br /> How It All Works Together <br /> eyermhl Film we <br /> to cUSLUM <br /> ALL wtadmm-is <br /> receive what <br /> Carrie Doyle read the Strategic Plan Goals and Equity Emphases on the image above. <br /> She said some of the Commissioners were able to attend the hard launch of the Strategic Plan <br /> at Central Elementary School in early April. She said OCS is seeing improvements in literacy <br /> due to changes in curriculum and alignment with the Science of Reading. She said teachers are <br />