Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> it? Why is more money being considered for more SEL from the school districts under your <br /> approval, under the guise of closing the achievement gap when we all know it is just a lever for <br /> the failing equity agenda. How many teachers want to endure more SEL training to their already <br /> heavy workload. Is that one million dollars going to be well spent, ask yourself is that <br /> investment going to retain teachers, is that money going to directly impact our student's <br /> achievement and mental health? Are these Band-Aids or working at the root of the problem? <br /> Let's face the facts that with a 19% attrition rate some things will have to wait until these <br /> priorities are addressed. So we need you to work with the district and come up with a real plan? <br /> Year 1 of the OCS strategic plan has a goal at Cedar Ridge to go from 12% proficiency in Math <br /> 1 to 50%, will that goal will be reached with the loses we are seeing? <br /> All these issues happened under your watch, from decisions you helped make, policies and <br /> contracts you all voted for, money that you spent. We need change, the pandemic is over, that <br /> is not a scapegoat anymore. We can't deny there is an increase in mental health issues this <br /> year including self harm and suicide ideation, compare the numbers to last year when kids were <br /> locked down, now they are back to school and mental health is worse. The constant barrage <br /> that kids will die or cause someone else to die from covid, instilling fear of wearing a mask to be <br /> safe, bullying those that don't wear one coming from teachers and students, the propaganda on <br /> walls, doors and floors to vaccinate, keep a distance is harmful to everyone's mental health, it's <br /> all part of the problem. You are going to see mental health data at the joint meeting this week, <br /> it's unacceptable. Why? What is going on? Is it coming from the climate at schools, COVID <br /> polices and protocols the school board has implemented or the loss of amazing teachers? What <br /> can we do to help address these tough issues, our children are failing, their mental health is <br /> declining, teachers are getting out. This is not just a school issue it is a community issue. It's <br /> past time to have open adult conversations with the community immediately. My kids have been <br /> in OCS schools since K, I have seen the changes over the years, why are we off the rails? We <br /> are counting the days til graduation." <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioners Richards, McKee, Bedford, Hamilton, and Greene had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Fowler gave updates on three meetings that she recently attended. She <br /> said the ABC board is doing well and there are two new stores coming online: one in Southern <br /> Village and one in Mebane. She said the stores have been slightly delayed due to supply chain <br /> issues. She said regarding TARPO, she learned that the National Electric Vehicle Charging <br /> Station's goal is to put one every fifteen miles along interstates. She said she serves on the <br /> Library Taskforce and that they just had their first meeting. She said the goal of the task force <br /> is to develop a Memorandum of Understanding with Chapel Hill Public Library for <br /> interoperability with the county's library. <br /> Chair Price said the groundbreaking for the 203 Project is set for 4 pm on May 5, 2022. <br /> She said she attended the Occoneechee Village rededication on Saturday and that it was a <br /> very nice celebration. She said there are two transportation related items on the meeting <br /> agenda. She said the draft FY23 Orange County transit work program proposal is available for <br /> public comment through May 11, 2022. She asked that this be incorporated with the transit <br /> items for how it all fits together. <br />