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22 <br /> 1 Chair Price said it has been under discussion for years. She said they have been trying <br /> 2 to figure out how to have two routes. <br /> 3 Caroline Dwyer said she was not sure if there is a project that addresses that. <br /> 4 Travis Myren said they would get back to the Board on that. <br /> 5 Commissioner McKee asked what the balance is of the transit tax. <br /> 6 Caroline Dwyer said she does not know the fund balance. <br /> 7 Chair Price asked about Mobility on Demand. She said there was one that only <br /> 8 operated on Friday and Saturday and not one that would operate during the day. <br /> 9 Caroline Dwyer said the pilot was only available two days a week, but this would be an <br /> 10 expansion to five days a week. <br /> 11 Bonnie Hammersley said the demand was high enough to expand. <br /> 12 Chair Price said slide #11 showed no capital funding <br /> 13 Caroline Dwyer said there was no allocated funding for additional vehicles. <br /> 14 Chair Price said even if the plan goes to year 29 there will be no funding allocated. <br /> 15 Caroline Dwyer said that was correct but does not mean that it cannot be if more funding <br /> 16 becomes available. <br /> 17 Chair Price said that since this is going to be used in the rural areas, they will need <br /> 18 additional vehicles and maintenance. <br /> 19 Commissioner Hamilton asked what the term "net new revenue hours" means. <br /> 20 Caroline Dwyer said there is a current amount of revenue hours on each route. She said <br /> 21 "net new revenue hours" are hours that go above what is existing and would be provided in the <br /> 22 new plan. She said that the use of transit tax funds can only be used for improvements and not <br /> 23 existing transit service. She said this is a way to document that it is in addition and not an <br /> 24 enhancement to an existing service. <br /> 25 Commissioner Hamilton asked if the transit tax is only to be used for enhanced service <br /> 26 each year, how is the existing service paid. <br /> 27 Caroline Dwyer said it is still funded through the transit tax. She said they are just <br /> 28 looking at a little tiny piece of it — the amount that has not already been spent on something <br /> 29 else. She said they know how much it costs for all current service, and they add an inflation <br /> 30 factor so they know how much it will cost over time. She said the update is about spending any <br /> 31 additional money and that has to be used to fund the new service. <br /> 32 Commissioner Hamilton said they generate about $8 million per year and the FY 23 <br /> 33 implementation year only has a couple of projects. <br /> 34 Caroline Dwyer said that is correct because most of that $8 million has already been <br /> 35 spoken for. <br /> 36 Commissioner Hamilton asked how the capital will be paid for in projects like the US 15- <br /> 37 501 project. <br /> 38 Caroline Dwyer said it is included in the transit tax. She said you do not have to find new <br /> 39 funds because these projections include capital, updates, and maintenance. She said the <br /> 40 projects on 15-501 will include a cost-share with Durham. <br /> 41 Commissioner Hamilton asked if the plan has a way to pull the federal dollars and <br /> 42 planning that is needed. <br /> 43 Caroline Dwyer said it is not in the plan. She said they could start planning for it, but it <br /> 44 does not have to be paid for through a transit tax. She said the county could go to DCHC to tap <br /> 45 into their federal and state funds. <br /> 46 Commissioner Hamilton said that transit has more acronyms than anything. She said <br /> 47 that this is a draft plan, and it will come back to formally approve. She asked if it has to go to the <br /> 48 other boards as well. <br /> 49 Caroline Dwyer said that is true but that she does not know exactly what that process <br /> 50 looks like. She said there will be a joint adoption of the plan. She said they have worked closely <br /> 51 with the transit providers and that nothing in this plan is not a surprise. <br />