Orange County NC Website
79 <br /> What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate? <br /> Male <br /> Female <br /> Prefer not to answer <br /> What is your current gender identity? <br /> Man <br /> Woman <br /> Trans man <br /> Trans woman <br /> Genderqueer/gender non-conforming <br /> Different identity (please specify): <br /> Prefer not to answer <br /> Do you think of yourself as: (select all that apply) <br /> Straight/ Heterosexual <br /> Gay or Lesbian/ Homosexual <br /> Bisexual <br /> Other (please specify): <br /> Prefer not to answer <br /> What are the primary languages spoken in your home? (select all that apply) <br /> English <br /> Spanish <br /> Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, or other varieties) <br /> Karen <br /> Other (please specify): <br /> Prefer not to answer <br /> 76 Orange County Master Aging Plan <br />