Orange County NC Website
i . Any and all internal streets , sidewalks , bicycle lanes , etc . shall be <br /> designated for public access/use for employees/customers/visitors to the <br /> site ; <br /> j . Driveway permits , when required , shall be applied for and issued by the <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation ; <br /> k . Orange County and North Carolina Department of Transportation shall <br /> approve the location of all proposed external utility poles housing street <br /> signals prior to installation . All street signals shall be erected on metal <br /> poles ; <br /> I . Segregated entrances and exists for pedestrian , construction vehicle , and <br /> non - construction vehicular traffic shall be developed to avoid conflict during <br /> construction activities ; <br /> m . Any required or requested bus pullouts and /or transit shelters shall be <br /> constructed to serve the Project consistent with transit plans adopted by <br /> Orange County and shall be developed in accordance with the following : <br /> i . Each transit stop shall be a covered and enclosed on 3 sides to <br /> shield users from the elements , <br /> ii . Kiosks shall be developed to provide transit information , including <br /> schedule and route information , and shall be illuminated to five (5 ) <br /> average maintained foot- candles . <br /> n . In addition to the standards contained within Section 6 . 10 (A) (2 ) of the <br /> UDO , the following additional requirements shall apply to the development <br /> of crosswalks : <br /> I . Signals shall be installed , where stoplights are located , providing <br /> assistance to deaf and visually impaired individuals announcing <br /> when it is safe to cross roadways <br /> o . Traffic directional signage shall be required for all internal and external <br /> roadway as directed by Orange County and the North Carolina Department <br /> of Transportation including but not limited to : <br /> i . Stop signs , <br /> ii . Yield signs , <br /> His Bus parking and unloading informational signs <br /> iv . Lane ends , <br /> v . Merge signs , <br /> vi . Caution Pedestrian Traffic — Yield Signs , <br /> vii . Traffic safety signs designed to direct construction traffic throughout <br /> the site , <br /> viii . Traffic warning signs indicating the location of private driveways and <br /> forbidding public access to the various properties , and <br />