Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3C542CCC-9BA3-4E25-8E23-7442510404E9 <br /> f � • E4l0 <br /> 5410 Trinity Road P 919.866.4951 <br /> 5663 <br /> T I M M O N S GROUP Suite 102 F ww.fim ons.c <br /> Raleigh,NC 27607 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> The existing legacy stormwater basin located at Gravelly Hill Middle School is proposed to be converted <br /> to a stormwater wetland following 15A NCAC 02H .1054 - Minimum Design Criteria for Stormwater <br /> Wetlands and guidance provided in the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual, Part C-4. The purpose of the <br /> project is to provide a design and construct a stormwater wetland that meets state and local guidelines <br /> for stormwater management to provide water quality and quantity benefits to the County while taking <br /> the opportunity to educate students and the public about stormwater issues and wetland benefits in the <br /> process, both during and post construction. <br /> The following tasks are proposed in support of the project objectives as an addition to the current scope. <br /> Task 5—Additional Survey <br /> 1. Perform field survey of areas provided in Figure 1 to further define the project area. <br /> a. Field survey includes: <br /> i. Preparation of a field run topographical survey, specifically: <br /> 1. locations of visible improvements <br /> 2. storm pipe alignments with invert data (including one structure outside <br /> of limits); and <br /> 3. surface indications of subsurface utilities <br /> ii. Contouring at a 1' interval. <br /> iii. Topographic limits will include the area shown. <br /> iv. Deliverable will be a CAD and PDF file to the County in NCSPF NAD 83 horizontal <br /> and NAVD88 vertical. <br /> Task5............................................................................................................................................$2,000 <br /> Task 6—Conceptual Planning& Exhibit <br /> 1. Develop a conceptual layout of the site that includes future improvements as determined by the <br /> County with support from Timmons. <br /> 2. Incorporate wetland design (deep pools, shallow land,etc) into conceptual layout. <br /> 3. Design elements are expected to include: <br /> a. Walkway around the perimeter of the wetland <br /> b. Viewing area north of the wetland in an open area near the field <br /> c. ADA accessible ramps to viewing area <br /> d. Walkway/bridge across the wetland between the forebays and main water body. <br /> 4. Present up to (2)two draft concepts to the client for review. Draft concepts may include <br /> precedent images to convey design intent. <br /> 5. Provide final concept plan on a 36"x 48" color figure mounted on fiberboard. <br /> 6. Meetings (assume the following are in-person): <br />