Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> General Fund revenues are 86.5% of budgeted revenues compared to 84.4% the prior fiscal year. <br /> General Fund Revenues <br /> • Property Tax collections are 99.2% of the total Property tax budget compared to 98% the prior fiscal <br /> year. Real and personal taxes collections peaked at the end of December prior to the January <br /> assessment of penalties and interest. The remaining property taxes include delinquent taxes and the last <br /> three months of motor vehicle tax revenues. <br /> • Sales Tax for Articles 39, 40, 42 and Hold Harmless are 86% of the budget as compared to 80.3% in the <br /> prior fiscal year. This sales tax distribution reflects the State easing public health protocols, sustained <br /> online sales and the impact of inflation which indicates an 8.5% CPI increase from March 2021 through <br /> March 2022. <br /> Note: Article 39, 40 and 42 sales tax are applied to food purchases. <br /> • Though actual sales tax is projected to exceed the budget, there will be additional taxpayer refund <br /> adjustments that the NC Department of Revenue will make by mid-August. As previously noted, there is <br /> a three-month lag in sales tax revenue. Therefore the County will receive its last sales tax revenue for <br /> this fiscal year by mid-September. <br /> • Charges for services are 72.7% of the budget as compared to 55.5% lower the prior fiscal year. The <br /> increase is attributed to increased Register of Deeds Excise Fees associated with increased real estate <br /> transfer activities. Additionally, there has been an increase in Ambulance Charges Medicaid <br /> Reimbursements. <br /> • Miscellaneous revenue includes Facility Leases and Donations. <br /> General Fund expenditures are 71.8% of budgeted expenditures as compared to 72.9% the prior fiscal year. <br /> The variance is attributed to debt service, emergency services COVID-related contracted services and <br /> reclassified non-departmental retiree health care benefits previously paid from the Health and Dental Fund. <br /> General Fund Expenditures <br /> 2 <br />