Agenda 05-24-22; 8-e - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) FY 2021-22 Project Approval for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools “Creating a Solar Future for CHCCS” Application
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Agenda - 05-24-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 05-24-22; 8-e - Community Climate Action Grant (CCAG) FY 2021-22 Project Approval for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools “Creating a Solar Future for CHCCS” Application
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Agenda for May 24, 2022 BOCC Meeting
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4 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> Community Climate Action Grant Application Summary: "Creating a Solar Future for CHCCS" <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS)paid$2,107,228 over the last 12 calendar months <br /> for energy across all campuses and supporting facilities, one of the largest energy consumers in <br /> Orange County. Electrical consumption makes up nearly 82% of energy expenses with natural <br /> gas accounting for the remaining 18%. <br /> Total energy consumption equates to 24,838 tons of emitted greenhouse gasses each year. <br /> CHCCS is mindful of its role as one of the largest energy consumers and contributors of <br /> greenhouse gasses (GHG) in Orange County and seeks to reduce its carbon footprint. <br /> CHCCS currently does not lease or own any photovoltaic (PV) arrays that produce meaningful <br /> energy. This is an unrealized opportunity to meet sustainability goals, lower operating expenses, <br /> and connect with students and the community more fully while engaging with an energy source <br /> that is now financially competitive with other means of energy production on a large scale. <br /> The lease or purchase of three 100kW PV arrays, located at Chapel Hill High School, East <br /> Chapel Hill High School, and Carrboro High School would lead to several primary benefits with <br /> many ancillary benefits: <br /> 1. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (332 tons/yr.) <br /> 2. Annual electric energy savings (up to $32,844/yr.) <br /> 3. Education and awareness opportunities for students, staff, and community(3,844 <br /> students, 400 staff/yr.) <br /> Savings from the proposed arrays would contribute to the lease or purchase of additional PV <br /> arrays at other viable CHCCS campuses, pending roof condition assessment at each school, <br /> thereby compounding energy savings and GHG reductions once operational. <br /> Each PV array will be net metered and operate for approximately 25 years. Energy production <br /> will offset consumption from Duke Energy Carolinas and Piedmont Electric Cooperative <br /> according to their service rate schedules. Lifetime avoided costs due to energy savings are an <br /> estimated $651,190 over a 25-year period. This includes an annual 2%performance degradation <br /> factor but excludes any utility rate escalation. <br /> Duke Energy is offering an incentive up to $75,000 per 100kW array which is scheduled to <br /> sunset after 2022. This incentive may apply to both Chapel Hill High School and East Chapel <br /> Hill High School locations. Carrboro High School is served and metered by Piedmont Electric <br /> Cooperative and does not qualify. <br />
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