Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> on score generated at the time of this certification, this is being accepted for this submission only. For future <br /> submissions, ensure that data for entire population is submitted. <br /> 11/29/2021 EXISTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW <br /> 1. The supporting documentation describes the total annual domestic water supplied only for the two utilities <br /> in Orange County- Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) and the Town of Hillsborough. However, <br /> information on the total annual domestic water supplied from the other two water systems of City of Mebane, <br /> Orange-Alamance and public waterwells(if any)as mentioned in the WE Prerequisite:Water Access and Quality <br /> couldn't be found in the supporting documentation. <br /> Provide updated documentation describing the total annual domestic water supplied from all the public water <br /> systems within the Orange County. Provide the revised calculation for daily per capita domestic water <br /> consumption. Revise values in ARC, if necessary. <br /> Integrated Water Management Withdrawn <br /> POSSIBLE POINTS: 1 <br /> Stormwater Management Awarded:2 <br /> POSSIBLE POINTS: 2 <br /> ATTEMPTED:2, NOT AWARDED:0, PENDING:0,AWARDED:2 <br /> 04/14/2022 EXISTING FINAL REVIEW <br /> Awarded <br /> 11/29/2021 EXISTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW <br /> Option 2: Green Stormwater Infrastructure <br /> 1. Report or other documentation on strategies adopted for inspection and maintenance of stormwater <br /> facilities couldn't be found in the supporting documentation. <br /> Provide narrative describing the strategies adopted for inspection and maintenance of stormwater facilities. <br />