<br /> Health and Safety Service Contracts
<br /> The recommended budget includes $3,738,485 for the Health and Safety Service Contracts for
<br /> both school districts to cover the costs of School Resource Officers in every middle and high
<br /> school, and a School Health Nurse in every elementary, middle, and high school in both school
<br /> systems. This represents a 3% increase over the FY 2021-22 funding amount.
<br /> Capital Investment Plan
<br /> The FY 2022-23 Manager Recommended Capital Investment Plan includes funding of
<br /> $18,088,811 in FY 2022-23, and a 10-Year total of $101,939,541, for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City
<br /> Schools. Funding of $9,925,349 in FY 2022-23, and a 10-Year total of $64,380,719, is included
<br /> for Orange County Schools. The new split of funding per school system is detailed on Attachment
<br /> 2-E.
<br /> Supplemental Deferred Maintenance Program
<br /> The FY 2020-21 CIP introduced a supplemental funding program for deferred maintenance and
<br /> life and safety improvements in schools. The program would involve an expenditure of$30 million
<br /> over a three year period to expedite each School District's backlog of deferred maintenance
<br /> projects in anticipation of a potential general obligation bond referendum in future years.
<br /> The total amount was divided between the Districts on the basis of average daily membership in
<br /> FY 2020-21. As a result, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools was allocated 59.99% or$17,997,000
<br /> of the $30 million total while Orange County Schools was allocated 40.01% or $12,003,000 of the
<br /> total amount.
<br /> The FY 2022-23 CIP recommends a second round of $30 million over two years for additional
<br /> school funding. These funds are split between the Districts on the basis of the average daily
<br /> membership in FY 2022-23. As a result, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools will be allocated
<br /> 58.78% or $17,634,000 of the $30 million total while Orange County Schools will be allocated
<br /> 41.22% or $12,366,000 of the total amount. These funds are split so that 10% or $3 million can
<br /> be spent in FY 2022-23 for planning and professional services, so that the remaining 90% or $27
<br /> million can be "shovel ready" immediately in FY 2023-24. The two rounds of funding can be
<br /> combined by the schools to complete larger projects as detailed in the tables below.
<br /> CHCCS FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 Total
<br /> Original FY 2020-21
<br /> Allocation $ 1,800,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 6,197,000 $ 17,997,000
<br /> Recommended FY
<br /> 2022-23 $ 1,763,400 $ 15,870,600 $ 17,634,000
<br /> Allocation
<br /> Total Funding $ 1,800,000 $ - $ 11,763,400 $ 22,067,600 $ 35,631,000
<br />