Orange County NC Website
* -Fields that are funded by the Soccer Superfund must be reasonably available for use <br />beyond that of the grantee. Any contract for matching grant must specify how and when <br />community use of the field will be made available <br />B. Purchase of Land for Construction of Soccer Fields <br />The Soccer Superfund may also be used to fund the acquisition of land(s), which <br />will contain fields to be used exclusively for soccer, at the discretion of the Board <br />of Commissioners and as funds are available, <br />The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals for land acquisition <br />projects, whether by County or by matching grant application. (Note: Matching <br />grant proposals shall use the same application form as for facility development): <br />1, At least 67% of the total land area in the proposal must be used for <br />soccer fields or other related facilities associated with the fields <br />2. The compatibility of the proposed land acquisition with the Master <br />Recreation and Parks Plan (Parks and Recreation Element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan) <br />3. The proximity of the site to population centers and geographic location <br />of other fields <br />4. Accessibility of the site for transportation purposes (including public <br />transportation) <br />5. The impact of construction of fields on the proposed site on natural and <br />cultural resources either present on site or within a reasonable proximity <br />to the site <br />6, Compatibility with existing zoning and other development regulations, <br />and potential for site plan approval of field construction <br />7. Potential for co-location with other public facilities under the <br />management of Orange County Government, <br />8, Finite plans for development of fields through the matching grant <br />program must accompany a land acquisition application, Contractual <br />language will stipulate that construction of fields must begin within <br />three (3) years.. <br />C. Other <br />Funding from the Soccer Superfund will be made available by the Board of <br />Commissioners at their discretion as part of the annual budget process. Approval of <br />projects is contingent on availability of funds. <br />This policy shall be amended by the Board of County Commissioners as needed. <br />This, the _ day of , 200_ <br />