Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Resolving each type of zoning violation presents its own challenges and unique set of <br />circumstances. The following discussion of each type of violation explains some difficulties <br />frequently associated witlx enforcement and also provides a short explanation as to why <br />enforcement efforts may have different outcomes. <br />1. Illegal Storage of Junked or Wrecked Motor Vehicles: The Orange County <br />Zoning Ordinance, specifically Section 6,16,7, does not allow fox' the storage of <br />wrecked or ,junked motor vehicles on a parcel of property. A ,junked or wrecked <br />motor vehicle is defined in Article 22 Definitions of the Zoning Ordinance as: <br />Motor vehicles which do trot display a current license plate or a current <br />registration sticker and which do not display a eun-ent inspection sticker <br />issued by w• in the scone state as the license plate or registration sticker <br />and which either: (a) are partially distttmttled or wrecked, or (b) cannot <br />be self-propelled or moved in the manner in which originally intended to <br />move. <br />a. OCCURANCE OF VIOLATION: The storage of junked or wrecked motor <br />vehicles is the most common zoning violation, generating the most complaints <br />made to the enforcement officer, <br />b. IMPACT OF VIOLATION: Iurilced or wrecked motor vehicles are visually <br />offensive to many citizens who complain that the appearance of the vehicles have <br />a negative impact of their property values. <br />c, TYPICAL GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: While this type of violation is <br />extremely common in the more rural sections of the Comity, such as the AR <br />Agricultural Residential Zoning District, the storage of junked vehicles is a <br />countywide problem. <br />d, BRINGING VIOLATION INTO COMPLIANCE: Correction of this type of <br />violation tends to be temporary, time consuming for County personnel, and costly. <br />Bringing violations into compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance are <br />hindered because of a perception that the Cowxty is being inflexible acid too <br />restrictive when enforcing this specific regulation.. Violators are content to test <br />the resolve of enforcement persornxel or to alleviate an identified violation for <br />only a short period of time. <br />e, COUNTY ATTORNEY INVOLVEMENT: When additional enforcement <br />remedies are necessary, such as court ordered abatement or the placement of liens <br />on property to ensure payment of issued civil citations, the attorney is involved. <br />f: PROBLEMS WITH ENFORCEMENT: The Ordinance defines this particular <br />type of land use as illegal for as few as one (1) vehicle if the vehicle is stored <br />outdoors and is not properly licensed or inspected. It is not uncommon for people <br />of limited means to have a couple of unlicensed vehicles that can be placed back <br />into service if the need arises. Many citizens, who live in rural areas, do not see <br />