Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> In recent decades, the increase of invasive non-native plant species has become a national <br /> concern, as many of these species tend to force out native species, thus threatening the eco- <br /> system and species reliant on native plants, such as pollinators. <br /> The attached proclamation proposes that the Board of Commissioners designate April 2022 as <br /> Native Plant Month in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Richards read the following proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> NATIVE PLANT MONTH <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS, native plants are indigenous species that have evolved and occur naturally in a <br /> particular region, ecosystem, and habitat; and <br /> WHEREAS, native plants are vital for maintaining and restoring the healthy ecosystem needed <br /> to sustain our environment, including but not limited to seed dispersal; pollination of crops and <br /> natural vegetation; prevention of flooding, drought, and erosion; regulation of disease-carrying <br /> organisms; and moderation of weather extremes; and <br /> WHEREAS, native plants provide shelter as well as nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as <br /> food for native butterflies, insects, birds, amphibians and other wildlife in ways that non-native <br /> plants cannot; and <br /> WHEREAS, there are more than 17,000 native plant species in the United States, which include <br /> trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, and wildflowers; and <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina is home to more than 3,900 native plant species, including trees, <br /> shrubs, vines, grasses, and wildflowers, making it one of the most diverse states for native <br /> plants in the Southeast; <br /> WHEREAS, 969 of the native plant species in North Carolina have been designated as <br /> significantly rare and/or in decline and may be in danger of extinction; and <br /> WHEREAS, 94 of those 969 imperiled plants have been found in Orange County; and <br /> WHEREAS, habitat loss and degradation, extreme weather events, and invasive species have <br /> contributed to the decline of native plants in the United States; and <br /> WHEREAS, native plants are essential components of resilient ecosystems and our natural <br /> heritage; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> hereby designates April 2022 as "Native Plant Month" in Orange County, and recognizes the <br /> benefits of native plants to the environment and economy of Orange County, the state of North <br /> Carolina, and the United States. <br /> THIS THE 5T" DAY OF APRIL, 2022. <br />