Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Each day hundreds of Orange County residents and those passing through rely on the <br /> expertise and dedication of public safety telecommunicators. These professionals help save <br /> countless lives by responding to emergency calls, dispatching law enforcement, fire and <br /> emergency medical personnel and equipment and providing support to the residents and <br /> visitors to the County. Their skills in high- pressure situations allow rapid emergency response, <br /> aid and compassion in times of great distress and critical decision-making within seconds. <br /> Orange County Communications is the primary answering point for all emergency and <br /> nonemergency service calls in the County. In 2021 NC PSAP's (Public Safety Answering <br /> Points) answered 7.5 million 9-1-1 calls. Orange County 9-1-1 Telecommunicators answered <br /> 86,806 9-1-1 calls and handled 116,903 administrative calls. The telecommunicators dispatched <br /> over 180,000 calls for service with an average of six telecommunicators on duty. The <br /> communications center operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with a staff of <br /> twenty-six full time telecommunicators. <br /> Orange County's telecommunicators continue to strive for excellence in performance and are <br /> among the highest trained in the state. <br /> Orange County's telecommunicators provide a valuable service to the residents, visitors and to <br /> public safety providers. <br /> Kirby Saunders, Emergency Services Director thanked the Board for this proclamation. <br /> He reviewed the background information for the item and commended the telecommunicators <br /> in Orange County for their work. <br /> Kevin Medlin, 911 Communications Division Chief, thanked the Board for honoring the <br /> telecommunicators with this proclamation. <br /> Commissioner McKee read the following proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOM MUNICATORS WEEK <br /> 2022 <br /> A PROCLAMATION <br /> WHEREAS, Thousands of dedicated Telecommunicators daily serve the residents of the <br /> United States and Canada by answering their telephone calls for law enforcement, fire, and <br /> emergency medical services by dispatching the appropriate assistance as quickly as possible; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, Professional Telecommunicators are the link between those residents who call <br /> for help and the agencies which provide the help; and <br /> WHEREAS, The critical functions performed by professional Telecommunicators impact all <br /> aspects of public safety and include those performed by forestry and conservation operations, <br /> highway safety and maintenance activities, and many other operations performed by federal, <br /> state and local government agencies; and <br />