Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Travis Myren said staff is currently tracking things that are under consideration, but not <br /> detailed enough to be in the CIP. He said these are "horizon issues." He said there is more <br /> school needs than the planned bond will cover. He said those issues need to be talked through <br /> to determine financing. He said staff will be working with the Board to model scenarios. He said <br /> that the Crisis Diversion Facility is under discussion and they are looking into how to get it to the <br /> design/development phase. He said Affordable Housing is an ongoing issue and hopefully there <br /> will be a plan for the Greene Tract within the 10 year period. He said there are also community <br /> center space needs. He said a feasibility study is being done for Rogers Road Community <br /> Center and their request for an expansion. He said the study will inform the amount of funding <br /> necessary for that project. He said they are also funding the emergency services radio upgrade <br /> issues. He said the County Master Facility Plan will take care of a lot of issues like what to do <br /> with old county sites. <br /> Slide #16 <br /> FY2022-32 Recommended Capital Investment Plan <br /> • Schedule for Consideration <br /> Introduction of the Capital Investment Plan—April 5 <br /> Work Session on Capital Investment Plan—Apr11 12 <br /> — Further Consideration through eudgetVuork Sessions <br /> — ApprovaI of the Operating and Capital aud got—June 21 <br /> (';RAN .F C'A.NTY <br /> sl I IX I I I[:'Ul 11.1 to <br /> li <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if the Link Building will be addressed in the master plan. <br /> Travis Myren said yes. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if a consultant was hired for the master facilities plan. <br /> Travis Myren said they are in the final stages of signing a contract for a consulting firm <br /> and the contract will come to the Board on April 26, 2022. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if that is for one year or longer. <br /> Travis Myren said they have asked for delivery in January of 2023, so there will be time <br /> to consider those recommendations in the next plan year. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked about slide #14 and what the tax increase covered. <br /> Travis Myren said it would include everything for next year's plan. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if Travis Myren was able to find out about charging <br /> stations and how many there may be. <br /> Travis Myren said he will have that information for the Board on April 121h <br /> Commissioner Richards said she is interested in an overhaul of the county's vehicle <br /> fleet. She said that she would like to know what the county is doing facilities wise to <br /> accommodate the electric vehicles and how that feeds into lowering emissions. She said that <br /> she hopes as they make the investments that they are looking at the climate responsibilities as <br /> well. She said she would like some answers back on the Piedmont Food Processing center and <br />