Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The default option for disposition of homes under the HMGP is , <br /> demolition. Federal and state funds of approximately $30,000 were included in the approved <br /> grant to the County to cover the cost of demolition, landfilling of residual materials, and restoring <br /> the lots to a natural state. However, demolition is viewed by the County as an option of last <br /> resort. It is staff's current understanding from grant program administrators that should <br /> deconstruction be pursued instead, that grant moneys set aside for demolition costs can be <br /> used. On the other hand, staff understands that federal and state grant funds cannot be used <br /> to pay for any cost associated with moving and reusing one or both homes. Staff is prepared to <br /> submit a request for exception to policy to the grantor, should the Board decide it wishes staff to <br /> pursue the move/reuse option for one or both properties. If that exception were not granted, <br /> then the County would need to consider whether it would be willing to use its own funds (such <br /> as park or affordable housing bond funds to pay for the move, set up, and upfitting of one or <br /> both houses in new locations). Preliminary cost estimates for the various options are laid out in <br /> the accompanying staff memo. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the report for <br /> information only at this time — no Board decisions are required at this point. However, the <br /> Board may wish to provide feedback regarding which option(s) seem most appealing and to <br /> identify any additional information the Board will need to help reach a decision at a subsequent <br /> Board meeting regarding the disposition of these two properties. <br />