Agenda 05-03-22; 6-a - Longtime Homeowner Assistance (LHA) Program Evaluation
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-03-2022 Business Meeting
Agenda 05-03-22; 6-a - Longtime Homeowner Assistance (LHA) Program Evaluation
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2 <br /> household not having a tax increase (30 denials), followed by households not owning their home <br /> for ten or more years (6 denials), and the household being over income (3 denials). <br /> Of the 91 approved applicants, 45% were white, 44% were black, 4% were multi-racial, and 1% <br /> Asian. 60% of the approved applications were age 65 or over. <br /> Staff from the three participating departments offer the following proposed program design <br /> changes should the Board wish to continue the LHA program in 2022 with the remaining $233,636 <br /> allocated for this purpose: <br /> 1) Change program design to cover more of the amount owed by the taxpayer. Using data <br /> from the 2021 LHA program, staff proposes three options: <br /> a. Institute a baseline minimum award amount: The award amount would be equal to <br /> the difference between the County Tax portion of the 2020 tax bill and the 2022 tax <br /> bill, with a minimum award amount of$300 (note that the average award amount for <br /> 2021 was roughly $190). Estimated amount of assistance for 2022: $37,290 <br /> b. Base award on full bill amount: The amount will be equal to the difference between <br /> the full bill amount of the 2020 tax bill and the 2022 tax bill with no minimum: $46,861 <br /> i. For 2021, the range of assistance $1.94 - $2,974.00, average $348 <br /> ii. Minimal award amounts: 56 under $300, 33 under $100, and 21 under $50 <br /> iii. If the minimum award amount was set at $300, the estimate would be <br /> $55,731 <br /> c. Standard award amount: The award amount would be a standard award amount <br /> with a cap, based on approximately one-half of the average County tax portion for <br /> 2021 recipients, which would result in an award amount of$830: Estimated amount <br /> of assistance for 2022: $94,684 <br /> i. Cap the award amount so it is no more than that actual bill amount. <br /> ii. This follows a similar method used by another county. <br /> d. Capping tax amount based on income: Homeowners earning 80% area median <br /> income (AMI) or under pay no more than 3% of income on total property tax bill. <br /> Estimated amount of assistance for 2022: $176,587 <br /> e. Awards cover half of total tax bill: Award would cover half of total tax bill for <br /> homeowners earning 80% AMI or under, up to these total amounts: <br /> i. $1000.00 for households with incomes <_ 61- 80% AMI <br /> ii. $1250.00 for households with incomes <_ 31- 60% AMI <br /> iii. $1500.00 for households with incomes <_ 30%- below AMI <br /> iv. The amount of assistance that may be granted for this option will vary <br /> based on the level of income of the applicants. Assuming a 50% increase in <br /> the number of applicants, an estimated range is $169,123 to $243,454. <br /> 2) Adjust program operation dates to August 1 through December 1, 2022. This would start <br /> the program two months earlier, immediately following when homeowners receive property <br /> tax notices in July. It would also move the deadline back by two weeks which will allow <br /> staff additional needed time for application processing, which was a challenge in 2021. <br /> 3) Include an informational insert with the tax assistance application packet, with the goal of <br /> both increasing awareness about LHA and making the process of applying for all <br /> assistance programs simpler for taxpayers. <br />
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