Agenda - 12-09-2003-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-09-2003
Agenda - 12-09-2003-9c
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2003 S Manager - Interim Management and Operations Services Contract with the Animal Protection Society for the Orange County Animal Shelter
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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be $11,000 per month. The Board may note that APS also submitted an alternative proposal j3 <br />cost that basically reflects the current arrangement with APS, in which they retain the revenue <br />for adoptions, reclaims, etc. and also pay for veterinarian services, <br />A copy of the proposed budget for a County operated Shelter as presented in the preliminary <br />staff report on shelter operations dated August 28, 2003 is also attached for your information, <br />It should also be noted that each respondent took into consideration the best practices and <br />items for improvement contained within the HSUS Final Report to the County. <br />The Manager's interview team, consisting of Jahn Link, Gwen Harvey, Greg Wilder, Rosemary <br />Summers and Pam Jones, conducted interviews with both APS and HSOC. An interview was <br />not conducted with ACES since their bid was judged to be less responsive given the greater <br />cost projection and the lack of comparably detailed information. Based on proposal contents <br />and results of the two interviews, the Manager recommends that the Board consider awarding <br />the bid to the APS for the period February 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004, A copy of the <br />presentation by the APS is attached. <br />Both APS and HSOC provided excellent information through their proposals and expressed a <br />sincere desire in their oral presentations to provide capable and compassionate care for the <br />animals. Staff will be prepared if the Board wishes to provide additional comparative analysis. <br />The interview team cites the fallowing reasons for their recommendation of APS, <br />1. Restructured APS Management Team. <br />APS has restructured its management team at the shelter to include: <br />a. Shelter Director <br />Previously the APS Executive Director also served as Shelter Director. The <br />restructuring will allow the Shelter Director to focus solely on Shelter operations, <br />Representative duties of this position include, but are not limited to: establishing and <br />implementing appropriate standard operating procedures, community relations, <br />financial management, interactions with County staff, shelter businesses and other <br />community partners, human resources activities such as staffing, training and <br />evaluations. <br />A complete job description is included in the Appendix of the proposal, previously <br />provided to the Board. Susan Armstrong Cooke is currently serving as Interim <br />Animal Shelter Director until a new, permanent Director can be named. APS has <br />indicated that they want representation from the County on the selection committee <br />for the next Director, and County Manager John Link has agreed to serve in that <br />capacity. <br />b. Shelter Operations Manager <br />Representative duties of this position include, but are not limited to: the overall health <br />care and general conditions of all sheltered animals, will oversee the Emergency <br />Animal Rescue Service (EARS) program, ensure disease management protocols are <br />being followed, order supplies, ensure appropriate training for employees and hire <br />and terminate shelter employees with appropriate input. <br />
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