Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Draft <br /> 1 MOTION made by Susan Halkiotis to approve the January 25, 2021 minutes, as corrected, and the August 9, 2021 <br /> 2 minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Jeff Scott. <br /> 3 VOTE: unanimous <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Chair Meyers thanked the Board and asked if there was any additional business or announcements. Mr. Harvey <br /> 6 indicated there would not be a November of December regular meeting as no applications had been submitted. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Chair Meyers informed the Board staff would be providing the final, approved, rules of procedure for members to keep <br /> 9 handy for future use. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Ms. Bronson asked is staff was still intending on doing a training session this year for Board members. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Mr. Harvey said he would coordinate with Mr. Bryan on topics and solicit input from the Chair and Vice-chair before <br /> 14 reaching out to members on coordinating a training session. He said there may be an opportunity to do training in <br /> 15 December using Zoom. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Chair Meyers agrees a training session would be beneficial for all members. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Ms. Bronson suggested an in-person training session might be more beneficial for members and easier to handle. <br /> 20 There was general discussion on live training session versus a Zoom training session. Staff agreed to look at both <br /> 21 options and discuss with the Chair and Vice-chair. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Meyers asked if the BOCC was looking to appoint a new member to take the place of Mr. Scott Taylor, who had <br /> 24 not attended a meeting since his appointment. Mr. Harvey informed the Board there had been applications submitted <br /> 25 to fill the seat, but both parties had withdrawn or chose to be appointed to another advisory board. The County would <br /> 26 be re-advertising open advisory board seats in the near future. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Chair Meyers asked if there was anything else. Ms. Bronson asked if future meetings would be Zoom or in-person. Mr. <br /> 29 Harvey indicated future meetings would be in-person. He did not believe it was necessary to hold an in-person meeting <br /> 30 to approve the two sets of minutes this evening. All members agreed. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Chair Meyers asked if there was a motion to adjourn. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 MOTION made by Susan Halkiotis to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Bronson <br /> 35 VOTE: unanimous <br /> 36 <br /> 37 The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 <br /> 40 <br /> 41 <br /> 42 LEON MEYERS,CHAIR <br /> 2 <br />