Orange County NC Website
2, HEALTHZ <br />a. PEDESTRIAN EXERCISE <br />3(a <br />Construct multi-purpose pathway, for exercise (vita path), <br />cross-country, environmental awareness (nature traiQ. <br />2. Offer a field education element to be added to an aspect of <br />the school curriculum. <br />3. Develop two educational pamphlets, one for health and one <br />for the environment. <br />b. DIET <br />Purchase kitchen equipment to support a healthy diversified <br />food menu. <br />2. Develop an augmented menu that has healthy foods that will <br />attract students to stay on campus to eat.. <br />3. Prepare an educational pamphlet supporting these benefits <br />of a healthy diet. <br />C. ROAD AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION AND IMPROVEMENTS' <br />a. Work with local governments to complete the sidewalk system by <br />constructing offsite sidewalks within walk zones (approximately t.5 miles) <br />(using a matching grants s,ystem), and <br />b. Bike lanes to promote apedestrian/bicycling safe multi-madal <br />transportation system, Investigation of the area shows a segmented <br />system. <br />2. Develop bus routes (public or school) to service drop-off points (such as park and <br />ride lots) around the district. This reduces parent and/or student VMT around the <br />school area. <br />a. This includes Public Park and Ride locations at Carrboro Plaza, Jones <br />Ferry and Southern Village. <br />b. Expand J route that includes .!ones Ferry to also include Carrboro Plaza. <br />c. Add minor diversion to D/NS route of Southern Village to include High <br />School #3, <br />3. Consider a policy for students to congregate from longer walking distances to <br />reduce the number of bus stops and associated air pollution from frequent bus <br />starts and stops. <br />4. Build weatherproof, climate controlled, and safe bus shelters at various locations <br />to encourage student clustering and use of Park and Ride lot locations. <br />C:IWINDOWSITemporary Infemef FileslConlenf IE5195670LAFISMARTCROWTH ACTIVITIE53. dpc <br />