Orange County NC Website
SMART GROWTH ACTIVITIES <br />I. TRANSPORTATION <br />3s <br />Schools can be the leader in environmental sustainability and proactively create a model for <br />future generations to understand and perpetuate. <br />One of the most important aspects of smart growth is to limit the increasing dependency on the <br />automobile and reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), Nigh VMT creates traffic, vehicle <br />accident problems with creating a safer walkable environment, and air and water quality <br />degradation. <br />A. MASS TRANSPORTATION' <br />a, Purchase buses or shuttles to develop enhanced transportation system for <br />the various uses and functions, and develop a brochure to promote same <br />(e.g. Run a Southern Village Shuttle). <br />b. Work with county and schools to investigate the use of alternative fuels <br />(including bio-fuels) and/or electric vehicles, <br />2 Investigate applicability of CT1P study with county's consultant Wilbur Smith and <br />Associates including use of alternative fuel. <br />3. a. Evaluate and develop the use of Chapel Hill Area Transit (CHAT), or <br />b. Orange Public Transportation (OPT) to augment public/schcol <br />transporation opportunities, <br />B. STUDENT DRIVING AND HEALTH <br />A report from UNC elaborates on the increased traffic safety risks that can occur during <br />the student driving age period. In the interest of traffic safety, finding alternate methods <br />for student mobility can be a community-wide safety improvement. (See UNC Safety <br />Report Regarding Student Driving) <br />STUDENT DRIVING/ALTERNATE SYSTEMS' <br />Develop or augment alternate systems of transportation to move students to and <br />from schools (especially for before and after school activities), <br />a, Study bus ridership and bus rautes to maximize efficiency including bus <br />size, time traveled and miles traveled. <br />b. Purchase bus transit software and school redistricting to assist reduction <br />in VMT, <br />c. Employ public transit systems to improve network routes to schools and <br />among schools including between school systems, <br />C:IWINDOWSITemporary lnfemel FileslCortfenf IE5195670LAFl SMART GROWTH ACTIVITIES-3. doc <br />