Orange County NC Website
~~3 <br />SMART GROWTH FOR SCHOOLS <br />PREAMBLE to PREAMBLE <br />The SMART GROWTH ACTIVITIES document that follows is a product of various <br />discussions regarding the Smart Growth Task Force far Chapel Hill/Carrboro School <br />District High School #3. The preamble to the suggested smart growth activities offers <br />some contexf to the reason for the initiatives. <br />This report was discussed at the October 30 meeting with task force members. <br />Portions of this report have been incorporated into Addendum 8 to the Interlocal <br />Agreement. Other remaining ideas can be explored independent of the interlocal <br />agreement, so they have been offered as other smart growth pursuits, <br />The report in its entirety also frames the comprehensive approach to smart growth and <br />its various facets from health and education to onsite building construction and offsite <br />transportation enhancements, <br />F:ILisalorangecounfyiSMARTCROWTH FOR SCHOOLS PREAMBLE2PREAMBLE revised doc <br />