Orange County NC Website
L~ocwnent <br />Involve maintenance personnel in the final approval and walkthrough stage <br />Building Commissioning <br />Review of all operating systems <br />Review of projected energy use <br />Collaborative effort with owner, contractor and architect <br />Designed For Safety, <br />Design allows for observation and entry, control <br />Design allows technology surveillance <br />Provide single entry points for visitors <br />Design visible parking areas from administrative offices <br />Design lock down points for emergencies <br />Encourage Community Centers <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />a~ <br />Design media centers, multi-purpose areas, art rooms and cafeterias that are accessible to the public <br />Provide adequate parking for visitors <br />Provide Stimulating Architecture <br />Create a sense of pride by the school community <br />Provide a focal point for the community <br />Lift teacher, student and parent morale <br />Show concern, value and care for the entire school community <br />In order to accomplish as many of the desired outcomes as possible, the administration will develop <br />regulations that will be incorporated from the start of each new school design phase and fol]owed <br />through to construction completion and building commissioning.. Regulations will be derived directly <br />from or used in combination with the Triangle .J High Performance Guidelines. <br />School Board Policy 90?!) speaks to the instructional aspect of school design and the educational <br />specifications required and should be incorporated in ary planning effort with the regulations contained <br />within. <br />Adopted: 3/21/02 <br />Regulations <br />Site <br />2.1 Erasion and Sediment control <br />• Design a system that controls and reduces the amount of erosion and runoff from the site <br /> 8/11 /Z003 <br />