Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />school #3. The initial phase (Phase I) will have a classroom <br />capacity for 800 students with facilities and facilities <br />capacity generally as detailed on the Moseley Wilkins & wood <br />CHCCS high school #3 "Phased Project Summary" which is Exhibit A <br />hereto. The funding and construction of the subsequent phase <br />(Phase II) of CHCCS high school #3 is not, except as described <br />here, a part of the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT or this Addendum. It is <br />anticipated that Phase II will include additional classroom <br />capacity for 400 students, with additional facilities generally <br />as detailed in Exhibit A. In the event there is a smart growth <br />additional appropriation as described in paragraph 4 of this <br />Addendum and paragraph 8 of the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, Phase II <br />will be planned, designed and constructed consistent with the <br />smart growth additional appropriation. <br />Z. The funding allocation recited in Paragraph 2 of the <br />INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT constitutes the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' <br />approval of the amount to be spent for the site as required by <br />N.C. Gen. Stat. ~ 115C-426(f); <br />3. The BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS and the BOARD OF EDUCATION <br />are involved in a process designed to result in a list of <br />objective smart-growth principles for CHCCS high school #3 which <br />process is designed to allow construction of the initial phase <br />of CHCCS high school #3 to begin in a timely manner; and <br />i~ <br />2 <br />