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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 5, 2002 <br />Action Agen a <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Community Development Proectfor Rogers Road Watering Connections <br />DEPARTMENT: County Managepriousing& PUBLIC HEARING:(Y /N). No <br />Community Development/ECOnomic Development <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Draft Assistance Policy w /Project Area <br />Map <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Application& <br />Eligibility Codification Form <br />Rod Varian or Paul Thames, aft 2300 <br />Estimate of Loan Program Costs <br />Tare Fill en 2492 <br />Approved Minutes tram 10101101 BOCC <br />Dianne Reid, a #2326 <br />Work Session <br />Draft Minutes from 11113101 BOCC Work <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Session <br />Hillsborough 7324181 <br />Chapel HIII 968-0501 <br />Durham 688.331 <br />Mebane 336327-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To consider approval of a granVloan program for the funding of connections <br />between eligible properties and the main walerine installed by the Orange Water and Sewer <br />Authority In the Rogers Road neighborhood. <br />BACKGROUND: At their work session on October 1, 2001, the County Commissioners <br />reviewed recommendations received from the Solid Waste Advisory Board regeNing funding of <br />subsequent elements of the Rogers Roar Neighborhood waterline project The Board of <br />Commissioners had already appropriated in FY 2000 -01 a total of $675,000 in the Solid <br />Waste -andfill Operations Fund to cover the Bret phase of the project - the Installation of water <br />mains in Ore Rogers Road community. The Orange Water and Sewer Authority is managing <br />that construction project under an agreement with the County that was approved by the BOCC <br />in April 2000. Construction of the water main is now complete. <br />At their November 13, 2001 work session, the BOCC received a repot from staff on possible <br />parameters of a County- funded program that would provide grents (or under certain <br />circumstances, low- interest loans) to property owners in the Rogers Road watching project <br />target area. The costs of the remaining elements of this public water supply project are <br />accounted with individual residences being connected to the previously funded water mein <br />construction. These costs include OWASA availability fees and water maters, plumbing from <br />the water meter to the house, Interior plumbing, and payment of monthly water bilk. The BOCC <br />confirmed at the November 13 work session their desire to implement a grant program using <br />resources of me County 's General Fund that would directly subsitl¢e for eligible applicants the <br />costs associated with installation of laterals, availability fees, and meter fees. The BOCC does <br />