Agenda - 02-05-2002 - 9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-05-2002
Agenda - 02-05-2002 - 9b
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4/22/2013 12:55:14 PM
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8/29/2008 10:37:01 AM
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g) Internally lighted or unlighted church bulletin booms and identification <br />signs, not exceeding 1 per abutting Street and 16 square feet in area <br />M1) Signs not exceeding 64 square feet In area, advm8sing agricultural <br />products produced on the dermal if the lot Is not part of a bona fide <br />farm. <br />i) Unlighted directional signs of non-profit organizations not exceeding <br />square feet in area, that bear no advertising matter or logo. <br />J) Temporary real estate signs for Iota of less than 5 acres, a single sign <br />on each street frontage may be erected. It shall not exceed 4 square <br />feet in area, and may contain the message tat the property is for <br />sale, lease or rent and the name, address and phone number of fire <br />agent For Iota of 5 Some or mom in area and having a street <br />frontage in excess of 400 feet, a second sign not exceeding 32 <br />square fee[ In area may be serrated. <br />k) Temporary construction sign. A single construction site identification <br />sign shall ba permided. It shall not exceed 32 square feet in area, <br />and may contain in his message idemiilcation of the project, its owner <br />andlor developer, amhhect, engineer, land planner, landscape- <br />. ambitad, contractor and subrnntractors. Such signs shall not be <br />erected prior to Issuance of a building permh. <br />1) N ubdv' o with more than l builder, a single temporary shall may be s erected to tivert" ilf builders model It <br />shall not exceed 18 square fat and may contain the builder's <br />phone company name, b homes that the model is Open <br />tl eqnall address, It shall also have a minimum perimeter <br />landscaping of 12 square feet containing a mix of shrubs and <br />flowering plants. <br />9] Zodno Compliance Perrot Required <br />Before any sign, except those specifically exempted from such a <br />requirement, shall be traded or structurally elthi a Zoning Compliance <br />Permit must be obtained <br />9.8 RESERVED <br />9.9 Determining the Number of Slans <br />a) For the purpose of determining the number of signs, a sign shall be <br />considered to be a single display device containing elements <br />organized, related, and composed to form a unit Where matter is <br />displayed in a random manner without organized relationship of <br />elements, each element shall be considered a single sign. <br />M <br />
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