Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Official Code of Ethics <br /> <br />1. I shall always maintain the utmost respect for the games I call. <br />2. I will conduct myself honorably at all times and maintain dignity in my position. <br />3. I shall always honor an assignment or any contractual obligation. <br />4. I will attend training meetings, clinics, and camps so as to know the rules, their interpretation <br />and proper application. <br />5. I will strive to achieve maximum team work with my fellow officials <br />6. I will be loyal to my fellow officials and never knowingly promote criticism of them. <br />7. I will be in good physical condition. <br />8. I will manage the game effectively by being approachable, courteous, considerate and fair <br />while being firm. <br />9. I will do my best to assist my fellow officials to better themselves for the game. <br />10. I will not discriminate against nor take undue advantage of any individual on the basis of <br />race, religion, age, color, sex, national origin or disability. <br />11. I consider it a privilege to be a part of Fun2Ref and my actions will reflect credit upon the <br />organization and our team. <br /> <br />Official Duties <br /> <br />1. Enforce the rules of the game, including local rules <br />2. Ensure the proper equipment is used for the game <br />3. Ensure the players equipment/uniforms complies with the rules <br />4. Stop, suspend or abandon the game if unsafe for the players <br />5. Acts on the advice of fellow officials during the game <br />6. Pregame conference with the officiating crew <br />7. Pregame conference with the Captains/Coaches <br />8. Notifies proper authority of any special circumstances from the game i.e ejection, injury, <br />facility problems <br />9. Provides the proper authority with a match report/report of any special circumstances <br />10. Contact my partner prior to the game <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 211E1129-3E3C-4CA2-AEB1-9919E8BB493B