Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 04/06/22 <br /> Date Revised: 04/19/22 <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br /> (Individuals with a*by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals res onsible for an item) <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 4/5/22 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 5/2022 Brenda To be reviewed and considered <br /> staff discuss the possibilities of signalization of the Bartholomew <br /> Buckhorn Road/West Ten intersection based on increased <br /> traffic from new economic development projects <br /> 4/5/22 Pursue and provide information to the BOCC on NCDOT's 6/2022 David Stancil To be pursued and information <br /> and energy providers' current practices regarding use of Chris Hirni provided <br /> herbicides, brush removal, etc. along roadsides, easements, <br /> etc. <br />