Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> P rtliership tb <br /> u; End Homelessness <br /> For each Project Activity selected above,please provide a description of(1)why your organization <br /> selected the activity;(2)what your organization plans to do to meet goals of activity and horns your <br /> organization will use grant funding to accomplish this activity. Make sure to tie each description to the <br /> budget narrative to make it as clear as possible the funding needed to achieve each project component. <br /> REQUIRED ACTIVITY(Organizations must select the required activity) <br /> 1. M Onbaarding-onto or increasing use of NCCARE360 in organization programs and workflows. <br /> Costs could relate to administrative,staffing,and/or other relevant costs pertaining to <br /> NCCARE360 implementation,workflow planning,staff training,and quality improvement. <br /> The Orange County Housing Helpline provides community wide assistance to people <br /> experiencing housing stressors including homelessness.The Housing helpline operates as the <br /> Coordinated Entry access point in the Orange County Continuum of Care and includes <br /> assessment,prioritization,and referral to community resources including the Shelter Referral <br /> List,HUD funded programs like Homelessness Prevention,Rapid Re-housing,Permanent <br /> Supportive Housing,and other permanent housing programs like Housing Choice Vouchers and <br /> Emergency Housing Vouchers.The Housing Helpline currently receives referrals from <br /> community members and service providers via telephone and email answered Monday—Friday; <br /> 10am-4pm and walk-in access on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am—4pm.Orange County Is <br /> requesting funding for Coordinated Entry Team Lead who will provide staff training and <br /> workflow planning to incorporate regular referral receipt and placement with NCCARE 360.This <br /> position will lead change management and implementation of this additional referral source. <br /> They will also provide a champion on the Housing Helpline team who will also be the point of <br /> access for community service providers. <br /> OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES(Organizations may select one(1)or more additional optional activities) <br /> 2. 0 Providing additional direct services stemming from accepting additional referrals through <br /> NCCARE360(e.g.,funding for additional food boxes for a food pantry or case manager time for a <br /> housing provider due to increased referrals to the organization);and/or <br /> Orange County Coordinated Entry provides information about affordable housing opportunities <br /> to Individuals and organizations and routinely receives requests for additional assistance. <br /> Orange County anticipates an increase in referrals through incorporation of NCARE360 and an <br /> increase in households requiring housing relocation.Orange County is requesting funding for a <br /> Housing Locator to reduce the number of households entering the homeless service system and <br /> reduce the length of time homeless for households experiencing homelessness. <br /> 3. ❑ Engagement/education of staff and/or clients served by the organization on NCCARE360; <br /> and/or <br /> 300 West Tryon Street Phone:919-245-2496 <br /> PO Box 8181 Fax:919-944-8496 <br /> Hillsborough,NC 22228 <br /> 10 <br />