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22 <br /> 1 project to continue and one vote against it, with the one against being the same person that has <br /> 2 historically voted against it. She said that Carrboro is the county's partner and has been from <br /> 3 the beginning. She said there is such thing as good faith and reliance on a partner. She said <br /> 4 this is a joint project that has been looked at favorably from previous commissioners. She said <br /> 5 there has been a lot of time, energy, money, effort that has gone into this project so far for so <br /> 6 many good reasons. She said that if they turn their backs on the project, they would be failing <br /> 7 so many. She said that from a preservation perspective, there is the concept of embodied <br /> 8 energy. She said that is when you do not want to tear down and old building because of all of <br /> 9 the energy already spend building it. She said that while there is not a building at the project yet <br /> 10 but plenty of energy and money that has gone into it. She said if it were not for the cost <br /> 11 increase, the Board would be moving ahead and would already be spending $16.8 million for <br /> 12 this project. She argued that an increase of $5.4 million is not the whole cost of the library. She <br /> 13 said the commissioners will not all agree with where the money should go if not toward this <br /> 14 project. She said that a public library is as important as schools and a behavioral health center. <br /> 15 She said that because the Board believes in investing in early childhood. She said all speakers <br /> 16 have told the commissioners of all the other benefits—social safety net benefits—that the <br /> 17 county is charged with providing, that will be brought to the community with the approval of the <br /> 18 library. She said that providing a place to gather for the youth will prevent them from future <br /> 19 needs of behavioral health or crisis intervention. She said this will not be just a resource for the <br /> 20 middle class in Carrboro to use. She said there are over 20,000 people in Carrboro that are not <br /> 21 being served by a library. She said they have funded the Family Success Alliance because they <br /> 22 invest in early childhood and families. She said she cannot advocate for this project strongly <br /> 23 enough. She said she would propose allocating $3 million in capital reserve fund to this project <br /> 24 and finance the rest. She said this is not a project the county should turn its back on and if that <br /> 25 happens, it is bad business for partnership with Carrboro or any other municipality. She said <br /> 26 that in regard to the Chapel Hill library, ever sense the project of the southwestern project came <br /> 27 up, that over time it would make sense for the county's contribution to go down over time. She <br /> 28 noted that libraries also provide internet access for people who do not have it another way. She <br /> 29 said many people do not have internet access and there should be public access to computers <br /> 30 in this part of town. She said she is passionately in favor of moving forward with this project. <br /> 31 Chair Price said Commissioner Greene said many of the things she was going to say. <br /> 32 She said a library is more of a place of books—it is a resource; it is for adults and people who <br /> 33 don't have resources at home in addition to children. She said it is important for students to <br /> 34 gather and study together. She said that schools close and people need a place to go in <br /> 35 evenings and weekends. She said libraries were important to the Civil Rights Movement in the <br /> 36 south. She said it is a place where differences can be equalized, because it is a place of coming <br /> 37 together. She said libraries provide a venue for tutoring and other support services. She said <br /> 38 that the Crisis Diversion Center is currently a concept and there is no guarantee that will be built <br /> 39 anytime soon, just because this library is not built. She said the people in Northside, Southwest, <br /> 40 the rural area, the refugee communities will be able to access the library and facilities. She said <br /> 41 this collaboration with Carrboro speaks to One Orange—human development in addition to <br /> 42 community development. She said that $5 million is a lot of money but would hate to see it go <br /> 43 by the wayside after all of the effort put into it. She said that she is in 100% support of this <br /> 44 project. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee asked if there are plans to guarantee parking spaces remain <br /> 46 available for library patrons. <br /> 47 Bonnie Hammersley said there will be signage with time limits but there is not a way to <br /> 48 enforce. <br /> 49 Commissioner McKee said the motion in March of 2021 included reduction of <br /> 50 construction contingencies and window glazing to 36%, removal of the justice center and a <br /> 51 generator and to delay conservation easements. He asked if these have been incorporated. <br />