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20 <br /> 1 Diversion Facility is an unknown and not currently in the CIP. He said the county also needs to <br /> 2 reckon with the replacement of the recreation center that also is not in the CIP. <br /> 3 Commissioner Fowler asked if that is repairs for the recreation center. <br /> 4 Travis Myren said the needs are not known right now, but significant work will be needed <br /> 5 in the next 10 years. <br /> 6 Commissioner Fowler asked for additional info on $4 million capital reserve. <br /> 7 Travis Myren said there was a fiscal year end surplus last year and the Board approved <br /> 8 allocating some of it for capital reserve, as well as some for COVID-related expenditures that <br /> 9 may not be reimbursed by FEMA. He said the Board could allocate the money to this project <br /> 10 through a budget amendment and finance the remainder. <br /> 11 Commissioner Fowler asked if taxes still have to be raised even if the capital reserve <br /> 12 money is used. <br /> 13 Travis Myren said taxes are already increasing for the current project budget, and if the <br /> 14 $4 million in capital reserve is used, less money would be needed, and thus less of an <br /> 15 additional tax raise. He clarified that taxes would still have to be raised by some amount <br /> 16 regardless. <br /> 17 Commissioner Fowler asked if that means other projects would not be addressed until <br /> 18 after 2027 or beyond. <br /> 19 Travis Myren said yes, if the Board wants to maintain the tax rate. <br /> 20 Commissioner McKee asked if there is an option to get out of the Skills Development <br /> 21 Center lease and what the cost would be. <br /> 22 Travis Myren said the first term is up either this year or next year. <br /> 23 Commissioner McKee clarified that if the county did not extend the lease, then there <br /> 24 would be no cost. <br /> 25 Travis Myren said correct. He said he ran the numbers, and over a 20-year term, the <br /> 26 cost would be $6.4 million in Skills Development Center rent at Europa Center, compared to the <br /> 27 principle interest of$8.2 million. <br /> 28 Commissioner McKee asked how many years the terms of the lease are. <br /> 29 Travis Myren said he is not sure. <br /> 30 Commissioner McKee said his concern is that the project will not be ready before the <br /> 31 county would have to renew for a new lease term. <br /> 32 Travis Myren said the county can negotiate an extension based on the progress of the <br /> 33 project. <br /> 34 Commissioner McKee clarified and said that the Board is not locked into renewing for 5 <br /> 35 or 10 years and that the Board could negotiate different terms. <br /> 36 Travis Myren said that yes those are voluntary. <br /> 37 Commissioner McKee said the Board gives around $568,000 a year to the Chapel Hill <br /> 38 Library and asked how the Library Task Force is going. He asked about where those <br /> 39 discussions are now. <br /> 40 Travis Myren said the first meeting has taken place and the next one is scheduled for <br /> 41 April. <br /> 42 Commissioner McKee clarification that there will be ongoing expenses to the library of <br /> 43 half a million dollars, in addition to the cost of construction, for staffing and maintenance of the <br /> 44 library. He said this could open a conversation on renegotiating the amount given to Chapel Hill <br /> 45 Library. He said that he wants to mention again that this is an ongoing expense outside of <br /> 46 construction. <br /> 47 Commissioner Bedford said she looked at the CIP to try to find projects, but there is not <br /> 48 flexibility in it without additional debt capacity. She asked what the current cost is per parking <br /> 49 spot. <br /> 50 Travis Myren said $48,000 per spot. <br />