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315- <br />The Carteret County Board of Commissioners contracted with MGT to conduct a financial review of Carteret <br />County Schools. In this study, MGT analyzed the current funding structure and assessed how the school <br />system is spending federal and state funds, and specifically analyzed how the school system uses local funds <br />provided by the County. <br />To gain an understanding of the financial situation in Carteret County Schools, MGT consultants collected <br />comparison data from peer North Carolina school systems, reviewed existing state and school system data, <br />and interviewed school system and county personnel. From these corresponding data, MGT consultants <br />were able to formulate findings, commendations, and recommendations regarding the current financial policies <br />and practices of Carteret County Schools. <br />----------------------- - - - - -� <br />MGT °s FINANCIAL REVIEW WAS DESIGNED TO: <br />• develop a detailed set of information about the status of each <br />district fund source; <br />• develop a summary report of the status of district financial <br />resources by fund source (federal, state, and local dollars); <br />• utilize findings to recommend strategies for improvements in <br />the use of funds in Carteret County Schools; <br />• prepare recommendations for improvement; and <br />• develop strategies and a time line for implementing each rec- <br />ommendation. <br />_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J <br />STUDY METHODOLOGY <br />To assist the Carteret County Board of Commissioners in addressing financial issues related to the school <br />system, as a starting point we used the set of study procedures and guidelines that were developed by MGT <br />as a model for conducting effective management, education, and performance audits of schools and school <br />districts throughout the country.These guidelines have been used effectively in previous MGT independent <br />studies of schools and school districts in the states of Maryland, <br />Tennessee ,Wisconsin,Virginia,Texas, California, Colorado, North <br />Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Illinois, New York, Arkansas, <br />Mississippi, and Florida. <br />Prior to the formal on -site review, MGT' consultants were <br />provided with information about Carteret County Schools <br />operational structure and financial status. We then tailored <br />financial review guidelines to reflect local policies and admin- <br />istrative procedures; the unique conditions of Carteret County <br />Schools; and the input of county Rnd school system leaders. <br />Our on -site review included meetings with appropriate county <br />officials and staff, central office and school -level staff, and re- <br />views of documentation provided by these individuals. <br />