Orange County NC Website
K -12 EDUCATION (continued) a <br />COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT SERVICES <br />CLIENT: ASHE.VIL.LE CITY SCHOOLS, NORTH CAROLINA <br />MGT contracted with Asheville City Schools, North Carolina, to assess the efficiency and effectiveness <br />of MIS computer technology support operations, MGT staff evaluated the current organization and <br />structure for supporting MIS, and determined the immediate and future need for administrative and <br />instructional technology enhancements. Consultants also reviewed the in- service requirements to <br />ensure adequate technology proficiency among administrative and instructional staff. MGT submitted <br />a report on the state of instructional and administrative technology in Asheville City Schools with <br />areas of improvement identified. <br />MANAGEMENT AND FACII.ITIES AUDIT <br />CLIENTS HENDERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, NORTH CAROLINA <br />MGT conducted a management audit of Henderson County Public Schools, North Carolina.This in- <br />cluded a comprehensive review and analysis of organizational structures, staffing levels, and the effec- <br />tiveness of current operating procedures and support budgets; an identification of areas of strength <br />within the school district; and an evaluation of the potential for privatization of services. Henderson <br />County was in the process of transition from a rural, agricultural area to a more heavily populated, <br />diverse, urbanized economy. <br />MGT also assisted Henderson County Public Schools in the preparation of a long -range facility study. <br />MGT conducted an evaluation of the county's existing school facilities, including: condition assessment; <br />functionality; assessment; educational suitability and support for educational goals; appropriateness of <br />size; and efficiency of use. <br />MGT prepared a facility plan that incorporated an assessment of each facility and provided recommen- <br />dations and options for meeting the district's long -range needs. <br />I.GNG-RANGE FACB,ITY PLAN <br />CLIENTS ALEXANDER COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM, NORTH CAROLINA <br />The Alexander County School District, North Carolina, retained MGT to prepare a long -range facilk <br />ties plan. The planning process included condition, educational suitability, and technology readiness <br />assessments of each school and district facility. MGT developed enrollment projections to determine <br />future new facility needs.Alternative facility plans were prepared that included operational and capital <br />cost impacts. Community input for the alternative plans was gathered through a series of public meet - <br />ings.A key issue facing the district was whether to remain a one high school district or build an <br />additional high school to meet the growing enrollment. Each alternative facility plan approached this <br />issue in a way sensitive to the needs of the community. <br />op�" a'. , <br />