Orange County NC Website
K 1 Z EDUCATION <br />MEDIATION SERVICES <br />CLIENT: UNION CouNTY BOARD of COMMISsIONEm, NORTH CARoLINA <br />The Union County Board of Commissioners in North Carolina contracted with MGT to provide <br />mediation /litigation support for a budget impasse with Union County Public Schools. MGT developed <br />a rationale to support the county's budget position. <br />PUBLIC ScxooL FINANCIAL. REvIE'W <br />CLIENT: CARTERET COUNTY BOARD of CommtssIONERs, NORTH CAROLINA <br />MGT conducted a financial review of federal, state, and local funding expenditures of Carteret County <br />Schools, North Carolina,This study included an in -depth analysis of related data and information to <br />assess how the school system used funds from these sources, with a focus on the use of local funding, <br />MGT compiled fund status reports by fund source, and utilized these findings to develop recommenda- <br />tions to improve the benefits realized from all funding sources, <br />CENTRAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT STUDY <br />CLIENT: JoHNsroN COUNTY ScHooLs, NORTH CAROLINA <br />The School Board of Johnston County, North Carolina, contracted with MGT to conduct a manage- <br />ment review of the Central Office.The study included reviewing the stated policies and objectives for <br />management and performance; identifying structural, management, or fiscal problems that could hinder <br />the implementation and achievement of the district's policies and objectives; reviewing the methods <br />used by the district to analyze its workload, staffing requirements, and staff productivity; and deter- <br />mining if there were ways in which the district could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its <br />administrative structure.When completing the final report, MGT made comparisons between Johnston <br />County Schools and five other North Carolina school districts. <br />ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY STUDY <br />CLIENT: CHAPEL HII.L�CARRBORo SCHooLs, NORTH CAROLINA <br />MGT conducted an administrative salary study for the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School System.The <br />components of the study included reviewing the central administrative organization and recommend- <br />ing job titles (e,g„ Assistant or Associate Superintendent, Executive Director, Director, Supervisor, <br />Coordinator) and reporting relationships and pay grades that reflected the different levels of respon- <br />sibility and professional preparation associated with each position. MGT also recommended adminis- <br />trative procedures for placing administrators on salary schedules and awarding annual salary increases <br />supported through the state and local pay- for - performance program. <br />a5 <br />MGT recommended pay schedules for school and central office administrators that were competitive <br />within the state and at the national IeveLThe last recommendation of the salary study included imple- <br />menting the recommendations, recommending a salary for each administrator, and assessing the cost <br />G Tto implement the recommendations. <br />of.�A,a ua 14 <br />