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Rowan - Salisbury Schools <br />Efficiency Study <br />Technology <br />Technology is a critical strategy for improving teaching and teaming. Instructional technology <br />can be used to. <br />• Provide more frequent assessment of student skills <br />• Increase students' technological literacy in tools required to perform in post - secondary <br />education and the workforce, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and research <br />• Improve teachers' abilities to develop and share instructional materials and reduce <br />administrative paperwork <br />Notable accomplishments of the Technology Department include: <br />• The completion of Year 2000 compliance upgrades for all major information systems <br />• A low student/teacher ratio per school -based IT staff person <br />• A computer laboratory and computer teacher in every school <br />There is also room for improvement. <br />The Rowan - Salisbury Schools technology plan is limited and does not provide specific goals <br />on what students and teachers should know and be able to do <br />The extent of technology integration into the curriculum is unclear <br />There is limited coordination between the Offices of Instructional Technology and <br />Administrative Technology <br />Operational Services <br />Financial Services <br />KMPG identified several accomplishments in Financial Services for which the District should be <br />commended. <br />• 90 percent of staff participate in the Direct Deposit Compensation Plan <br />• RSS processes more vendor checks than peer districts <br />• RSS appears to be more efficient processing purchase orders than peer districts <br />Budget preparation cycle -time appears to be within peer district average <br />• RSS has a process to track vendor performance <br />There is room for improvement, however. <br />• The budgeting process is not driven by the District's long -term strategic plan <br />I -6 <br />