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Rowan: Salisbury Schools p�V <br />Efficiency Study <br />Curriculum and Instruction <br />The effective design and delivery of educational services is the first and most important function <br />of any school district. The District is commended for making significant changes to address the <br />critical issue of improving student performance. It. <br />has focused on the alignment of state curriculum standards, assessments, textbooks, <br />professional development programs and instruction <br />provides scheduled hours of certified staff development for teachers that is 100 percent <br />above the peer district average <br />The District needs to address the following areas: <br />The Associate Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Administrative Services has a <br />wide span of control <br />Lack of a formal process to evaluate educational programs to determine their effectiveness, <br />which limits RSS' ability to allocate its resources to achieve the strongest results <br />Staff development (instructional staff) is not systematically linked to either performance <br />evaluations or student achievement <br />Special Education <br />Special education services are costly, generally driven by a high level of educational resources <br />dedicated to the program, Special Education's efforts to reduce costs for the District include: <br />Active pursuit of Medicaid reimbursement by tracking and monitoring those students who <br />are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement from the Federal Government <br />Offers a full -range of special education programs, which reduces the number of students <br />sent out of district <br />The District should address the following: <br />Lack of a centralized student referral process in place (although RSS is meeting all Federal <br />requirements) <br />^RSS placesmvre,studentsdntospeoial education'thanathe peerdistcact:average <br />I -5 <br />