Orange County NC Website
Page 6 of 8 <br />j. Documentation shall be kept for Subparagraphs (a) through (i) of this Rule for a minimum of three <br />years with exception of the map, which shall be maintained for the life of the system. <br />5. The Permittee shall report by telephone to a water resources staff member at the Raleigh Regional <br />Office, telephone number (919) 791-4200, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours, <br />following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: <br />a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable <br />of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, line <br />blockage or breakage, etc.; or <br />b. Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons; or <br />c. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume, that reaches surface water <br />Voice mail messages or faxed information is permissible, but this shall not be considered as the initial <br />verbal report. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to <br />the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. <br />Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing and submitting <br />Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) within five days following first <br />knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to <br />ensure that the problem does not recur. Part II of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved <br />form) can also be completed to show that the SSO was beyond control. [G.S. 143-215.1C(a1)] <br />6. Construction of the gravity sewers, pump stations, and force mains shall be scheduled so as not to <br />interrupt service by the existing utilities nor result in an overflow or bypass discharge of wastewater <br />to the surface waters of the State. [15A NCAC 02T.0108(b)] <br />7. Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of these permitted facilities, the completed <br />Engineering Certification form with checklist attached to this permit shall be submitted with the <br />required supporting documents to the address provided on the form. A complete certification is one <br />where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are provided as applicable. Any <br />wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion <br />of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the <br />Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions. <br />If the permit is issued to a private entity with an Operational Agreement, then a copy of the Articles <br />of Incorporation, Declarations/Covenants/Restrictions, and Bylaws that have been appropriately <br />filed with the applicable County’s Register of Deeds office shall be submitted with the certification. <br />A complete certification is one where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are <br />provided as applicable. Supporting documentation shall include the following: <br />a. One copy of the project construction record drawings (plan & profile views of sewer lines & force <br />mains) of the wastewater collection system extension. Final record drawings should be clear on <br />the plans or on digital media (CD or DVD disk) and are defined as the design drawings that are <br />marked up or annotated with after construction information and show required buffers, <br />separation distances, material changes, etc. <br />b. One copy of the supporting applicable design calculations including pipe and pump sizing, velocity, <br />pump cycle times, and level control settings, pump station buoyancy, wet well storage, surge <br />protection, detention time in the wet well, and force main, ability to flush low points in force <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B39D4BD-E0F1-4D92-A432-27FBE82D9C83