Orange County NC Website
CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST <br />North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality _ Division of Water Resources <br />Raleigh Regional Office _ 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 <br />Physical Address: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4200 <br />To be completed by the certifying engineer prior to operation of the permitted sewers, per 15A NCAC 02T.0116. <br />Certifying Engineer: _______________________________________________________ <br />Certification Review Date: __________________________________________________ <br />Project Name: ____________________________________________________________ <br />WQ00______________ Project County: _______________________________________ <br />1) Has permittee information changed since the permit was issued (or last modified): change of mailing address, <br />change of ownership, transfer from developer to HOA/POA, etc. Yes No <br />x If yes, please provide either a change of ownership form or new contact information. Note that transfer of <br />permits from the developer to the HOA/POA must occur with the first certification. <br />2) Have the as-built drawings have been signed, sealed, and dated by an N.C. PE? Yes No <br />3) Final Engineering certification? Yes No <br />x If Partial Engineering certification, provide detailed narrative including what is being certified in the current <br />phase, what was previously certified (if applicable), and what is left to be certified. <br />4) Adequate information related to sewer lines: Yes No N/A <br />x Three feet minimum cover has been provided for all sewers unless ferrous pipe was installed. <br />x Minimum diameters for gravity sewers are 8-inches for public lines and 6-inches for private lines. <br />x Manholes have been installed: At the end of each line, at all changes in grade, size, or alignment, at all <br />intersections, and at distances not greater than 425 feet; minimum diameter shall be 4 feet (48-inches). <br />5) Adequate information related to pump stations: Yes No N/A <br />x Ensure power reliability option was selected per 15A NCAC 02T.0305(h). <br />6) Was project construction completed in accordance with all of the following: Yes No N/A <br />x 15A NCAC 02T, Minimum Design Criteria (MDC) for the permitting of Gravity Sewers (latest version), and MDC <br />for the Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version)? <br />If not, a variance approval is required in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.0105(b), prior to certification and operation. <br />x Contact the Central Office to discuss the variance to determine a course of action. <br />x Applicant must submit two copies of the variance request form, plans, specifications, calculations, and any other <br />pertinent information to the Central Office (one hard copy, one digital copy). <br />x The central office will review the variance request, and if approvable, specific language regarding the variance <br />will be incorporated into the permit, either via a special condition or a supplementary letter. A copy of the <br />reissued permit with variance language or the variance letter must be maintained with the original documents. <br />7) Does the project contains high priority lines (15A NCAC 02T .0402(2))? Yes No <br />x If yes, ensure that the permit already contains the necessary condition related to high priority lines 15A NCAC <br />02T.0403 (a)(5). If the permit does not include this language, the Fast Track reviewer will reissue the permit with <br />the appropriate language. <br />8) Are Permit modifications are required for any changes resulting in non-compliance with this permit (including but not <br />limited to pipe length changes of 10% or greater, change in flow, pump station design capacity design change of 5% or <br />greater, and/or change in the number/type of connections)? Yes No <br />x If yes, a permit modification request must be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office, and a modified <br />permit with revised certification must be issued prior to certification and operation. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B39D4BD-E0F1-4D92-A432-27FBE82D9C83